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<p><strong><font size="5"> Computational biology 연구용 도구</font></strong></p>
<p>[ 연구용 도구모음]<br /> : Research Tools로, Cell & Gene Collection, Linked Database, Nucleic Acid & Protein, Model Organisms, Compounds, Literature 등의 Database 정보검색site. <br />[ ACD/ChemSketch 3.5]<br /> : 화학 구조를 그려주는 프로그램.N약간의 제한이 있는 freeware. 하지만, 복사, 붙이기 가능.부가적으로 분자식이나 화학 구조식도 계산해 주며 밀도와 refractive index도 예상해 준다. Windows용<br />[ Prism]<br /> : 데이터를 분석해 그래프를 그려주는 프로그램.30일간 full evaluation 가능. Windows/mac 용<br />[ Technical Tips Online]<br /> : Peer-reviewed molecular biology technical, product, and company information from Elsevier Trends Journals<br />[ Comprehensive Protocol Collection]<br /> : Comprehensive collection of molecular biology and Nematode-related protocols, including many standard biological assays & stainings. <br />[ Molecular Biology Protocols]<br /> : Very nice basic protocol collection, as well as an interactive Forum for technical questions and useful links to on-line journals & other bioinformatics resources - from the Northwest Fisheries Science Center Microbial Pathogenesis Lab. <br />[ Protocol Online]<br /> : Vast directory of protocols on cell biology, molecular biology and immunology<br />[ BBHelp, a collection of molecular biology techniques]<br /> : arranged in MS- Windows help file format.<br />[ Molecular Biology Research Tools and Resources]<br /> : Electronic and Internet-accessible tools and resources for molecular biology, biotechnology, molecular evolution, genetics, biochemistry and biomolecular modelling. Includes links to protein and DNA data analysis servers which provide sequence and structural homology searches etc. <br />[ Biology research]<br /> : Biology research <br />[ BioTech Resources]<br /> : 생명공학 여러 분야의 자료를 얻을 수 있다 <br />[ Bioinforamtics]<br /> : 생명정보에 관한 자료를 얻을 수 있다<br /><br /></p><p><strong><font size="5">[[Workbench]], [[Workflow]] <br /></font></strong><br />[ Taverna]<br />: The Taverna provides a language and software tools to facilitate easy use of workflow and distributed compute technology within the eScience community. <br />[ Pegasys]<br />: workflow management for bioinformatics<br />[ gpipe]<br />: 웹상에 다양한 생물학서비스들을 묶어 두었다.<br /><br /></p>
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