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<strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #00ff00" size="3">Protocol 2</font></strong><br />
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<strong>1. 목적 :&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ex) membrane, focal adhesion, nucleus 등<br />
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<strong>2. 재료 및 장비</strong><br />
&nbsp; - Sample cells/ Stimulant<br />
&nbsp; - Glass slides and cover slips<br />
&nbsp; - Goat serum<br />
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<strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">3. Protocol A</font> : Used with prostate (전립선의) epithelial cells<br />
&nbsp; </strong>1) Cell들을 glass cover slip에 놓고, 붙을 수 있도록 overnight 배양한다.<br />
<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>2)&nbsp;PBS로 1번 헹구어 준다. (rinse)<br />
&nbsp; 3)&nbsp;Formaldehyde/&nbsp;PBS로 15분간 cell들을 고정시킨다. (fixation)<br />
&nbsp; 4) PBS로 1번&nbsp;washing<br />
&nbsp; 5) Triton X-100을 2분간 처리<br />
&nbsp; 6) 1X PBS로&nbsp;washing<br />
&nbsp; 7) PBS로 희석시킨&nbsp;1st Ab로 최소 1시간 incubation<br />
&nbsp; 8) PBS washing (5분 * 3번)<br />
&nbsp; 9)&nbsp;PBS로 희석시킨&nbsp;2nd Ab&nbsp;(goat anti-rabbit Ig'g FTTC)로 1시간 incubation&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp; 10)&nbsp;PBS washing (5분 *3번)<br />
&nbsp; 11) Gelmount를 이용하여 slide위에 각각의 cover slip을 mount<br />
<strong>&nbsp; 12) Fluorescence microscope로 분석<br />
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<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">3-1.&nbsp;Protocol B</font> : Used with NIH3T3 and FIII cells<br />
</strong>&nbsp; 1) Serum-free 배지에 24시간 incubation -&gt; starve&nbsp;cells<br />
&nbsp; 2) 적당한 자극으로 cell들을 stimulation<br />
&nbsp; 3) 10% paraformaldehyde (in PBS)로 15분간 cell들을&nbsp;고정 (fixation)<br />
&nbsp; 4) PBS로 3번&nbsp;rinse<br />
&nbsp; 5)&nbsp;100ml PBS에 있는 30% peroxide 1ml로 30분 incubation (peroxidase block)<br />
&nbsp; 6) 100% methanol로 -20도씨에서 10분간 incubation시켜&nbsp;cell을 permeabilize<br />
&nbsp; 7) PBS로&nbsp;cell rinse 3번<br />
&nbsp; 8) 1% BSA로 30~60분&nbsp;block<br />
&nbsp; 9) PBS로&nbsp;cell rinse 3번<br />
&nbsp; 10)&nbsp;PBS (5% goat serum + 0.25% NP40)에 들어 있는 1st&nbsp;polyclonal Ab (300ng/ml~1ug/ml)로 incubation<br />
&nbsp; 11) PBS로 3번 washing<br />
&nbsp; 12) 2nd Ab (at 1:2000 in 2% goat serum in PBS, ex. goat anti-rabbit Ig's)로 incubation<br />
&nbsp; 13) PBS로 3번 washing<br />
&nbsp; 14) Conjugate vector ABC kit으로 30분. 각각의 reagent (in PBS)를 20ug/ml로 희석<br />
&nbsp; 15)&nbsp;ABC reagent&nbsp;첨가 (60분)<br />
&nbsp; 16)&nbsp;PBS로 3번 washing<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;17) DAB substrate&nbsp;첨가 (각각 1ml 당 one tablet)<br />
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<strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">3-2. Protocol C</font> : Used with Rat52,&nbsp;Swiss 3T3, NIH3T3 and HEK293 cells<br />
</strong>&nbsp; 1) 10% paraformaldehyde로&nbsp;RT(실온)에서 15분간 cell 고정 (fixation)<br />
&nbsp; 2) 100% methanol로 -20도씨에서 10분간 permeabilization<br />
&nbsp; 3) 1% BSA로 block<br />
&nbsp; 4) 1st&nbsp;polyclonal Ab (at 300ng/ml)로 1시간 incubation<br />
&nbsp; 5) Washing &amp; fluorescein-labeled 2nd, goat anti-rabbit Ig's FITC 첨가<br />
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<strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">3-3.&nbsp;Protocol D</font> : Used with Rat Brain Slices (30um floating rat brain sections)<br />
</strong>&nbsp; 1) PBS로 5분씩 3번 washing<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;2) Triton X-100/&nbsp;PBS (0.06%)로 30분간 permeabilization<br />
&nbsp; 3) PBS 5분 * 3번 washing<br />
&nbsp; 4) PBS에 들은 3% normal serum으로 30분간 blocking (2nd Ab가 goat Ab면 goat serum)<br />
&nbsp; 5) PBS에 들은 3%&nbsp;normal serum에 희석시킨 1st Ab로 4도씨에서 overnight incubation<br />
&nbsp; 6) PBS 5분 * 3번&nbsp;washing<br />
&nbsp; 7) PBS에 희석시킨 2nd Ab (1:500~1:1000)으로 1시간 incubation<br />
&nbsp; 8) PBS 5분 *3번 washing<br />
&nbsp; 9) Fluorescent 2nd Ab의 경우,&nbsp;vectashield (+DAPI if nuclear marker is desired)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; HRP-conjugated 2nd Ab or biotin-streptavidin-HRP의 경우,&nbsp;substrate 첨가<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;10) Develop until color is visible (~10분), 100% glycerol 또는 FluormountG로 mounting<br />
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