

 CD antigen


 Synonyms & Properties

 Leukocyte expression  


 CD31  130-140  GPiia, endocam, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 
 Endothelial cells, platelets, monocytes, neutrophils, NK cells, subsets of T cells   Adhesion molecule 
 CD32  40  FCRⅡ, FcγRⅡ   B cells, granulocytes, monocytes  Receptor for Fc portion of antigen-antibody-complexed IgG molecules 
 CD33  67  gp67, p67  Monocytes, myeloid precursors   Sialic acid-dependent cytoadhesion molecule, a sialoadhesion 
 CD34  40 (based on amino seq.)  gp105-120   Early lymphohematopoeitic stem and progenitor cells, small-vessel endothelial cells, embryonic fibroblasts, some cells in fetal and adult nervous tissue   Cell-cell adhesion molecule 
 CD35  Many forms: 160, 190, 220, 250, 165, 195, 225, 255  C3bR, C4bR, complement receptor type one (CR1), immune adherence receptor   Erythrocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, B cells   Receptor for C4b/C3b particles, mediating their adherence and phagocytosis; facilitator of C3b and C4b cleavage, thus limiting complement activation 
 CD36  88-113 (platelet form)  GPⅢb, GPIV, OKM5-antigen, PASIV   Platelets, mature monocytes / macrophages, endothelial cells   Adhesion molecule in platelet adhesion and aggregation, and in platelet-monocyte or platelet-tumor cell interaction; molecule for recognition of apoptotic neutrophils; scavenger receptor for oxidized LDL 
 CD37  40-52  gp52-50  B cells; low levels on T cells, neutrophils, granulocytes, and monocytes   Role in signal transduction 
 CD38  45  T10   Early-stage B and T cells, germinal-center B cells, plasma cells   NAD glycohydrolase 
 CD39  40-52  Bp50   B cells, T cells, neutrophils, granulocytes, monocytes    Role in signal transduction 
 CD40  48 (monomer)  Bp50   B-lineage cells (pro-B through plasma cells), macrophages, follicular dendritic cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, CD34+ hematopoeitic cell progenitors    Roles in B-cell growth, differentiation, and isotype-switching; apoptosis rescue signal for germinal-center B cells; stimulation of cytokine production in macrophages and dendritic cells; up-regulation of adhesion molecules on dendritic cells
 CD41  αβ dimer: α, 125; β, 122   GlycoproteinⅡb (GPⅡb) αⅡb integrin chain; forms platelet fibrinogen receptor by association with GP Ⅲa    Platelets, megakaryocytes  Subunit of platelet fibrinogen receptor, which mediates platelet aggregation by acting as receptor for fibrinogen; possibly also receptor for von Willebrand factor, fibronectin, and thrombospondin 
 CD42a,b,c,d  a, 23; 
            b, 135,23; 
 c, 22;
 a, GPIX; b, GPIb-α; c, GPIb-β; d, GPV  Platelets, megakaryocytes   Adhesion of platelets to endothelium; amplification of platelet response to thrombin 
 CD43  95-115 in 
T cells, 115-135 in neutrophils
 gpL115, leukocyte sialoglycoprotein, leukosialin, sialophorin   All leukocytes except most resting B cells   Possible anti-adhesive ("barrier") molecule mediating repulsion between leukocytes and other cells 
 CD44  85  ECMR Ⅲ, H-CAM, HUTCH-1, Hermes, Lu, Pgp-1, gp85   Surface of most cell types   Adhesion molecule mediating leukocyte attachment and homing to peripheral lymphoid organs and sites of inflammation 
 CD44R  85-250 in epithelial cells; 85-200 in lymphocytes  CD44v, CD44v9; heterogenous group of CD44 variant isoforms designated by the variant exons that they include (v2-v10 in humans)   Epithelial cells and monocytes (constitutively), activated leukocytes   Possible role (particulary for CD44v6) in leukocyte attachment to and rolling on endothelial cells, homing to peripheral lymphoid organs and sites of inflammation 
 CD45  210, 220, 180, 200  Leukocyte common antigen (LCA), T200, EC; many dofferent isoforms with different molecular weights, e.g..
B220, CD45R, CD45RA, CD45RB, CD45RC, CD45RO 
 All hematopoeitic cells; different isoforms characteristic of differentiated subsets of various hematopoeitic cells  Essential role in T-and B-cell antigen-receptor-mediated activation; possible role in receptor-mediated activation in other leukocytes