50가지 생물학자가 알아야할 것들

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The 60 things every biologist should know A. CHEMISTRY

  1. What is an atom?
  2.  What is a molecule?
  3. What causes water to be green?
  4.  What are the two laws of thermodynamics?
  5. What are the four unique properties of water?
  6. What three elements define organic compounds?
  7. What is an element?
  8. What is a protein
  9. What is a carbohydrate?
  10. What is a lipid? B. MOLECULAR
  11. What is DNA?
  12. What is agene?
  13. What isnaturalselection?(Are evolution andnaturalselectionsynonymous terms?)
  14. What is achromosome?
  15. What arethefour principlesofMendeliangenetics
  16. What is a genome?
  17. How is DNA replicated?
  18. What is epistasis?
  19. What are thesourcesofgeneticvariation?
  20. What is epigenesis?C.EVOLUTION(진화)
  21. What does the Hardy-WeinbergEquilibriumpredict,andwhatistheimportanceofthemodelassumptions?
  22. How have continentsmovedandhowhasthataffectedtheformationanddistributionofspecies?
  23. What is evolution?
  24. What is the differencebetweenmicroandmacro-evolution?
  25. Can you read aphylogenetic tree?
  26. What are thekingdomsoflivingorganisms?
  27. Finish the followingKingdom,Phylum\uffff^\uffff\uffffetc
  28. What is the "EvolutionarySynthesis"?
  29. Isevolutionprogressive?
  30. What comesfirst:theadaptationortheselectivepressure?
  31. What ismeantbythe"inheritanceofacquiredtraits",whomadethisclaim,andwhywashewrong?
  32. What istheobjectofnaturalselection?
  33. Are cladogenesisandanagenesissynonymousterms?
  34. What isaphenotype?D.CELLULAR
  35. What isosmosis?
  36. What arethekeydifferencesbetweenprokaryotesandeukaryotes
  37. What ismitosisandwhathappensduringmitosis?
  38. What ismeiosisandwhathappensduringmeiosis?
  39. What arethecellorganellesandwhataretheirfunctions?
  40. What arethekeydifferencesbetweenplantandanimalcells?
  41. What isacell?E.ENERGY/MATTER
  42. What isphotosynthesis?
  43. What isglycolysis?
  44. What istheKreb'scycle?
  45. How doesenergyflowandmattercycle?
  46. What isatrophiclevel?
  47. How does watercycle?
  48. Can you describe the cyclesforkeynutrients(nitrogen,phosphorus,carbon)
  49. What isbiomagnification?F.ECOLOGY
  50. What istheTheoryofIslandBiogeography?
  51. What arerandKselectedlifehistories?
  52. What is a necosystem?G.GENERAL
  53. What are Newton'sLaws?
  54. What are thekeyorgansinthehumanbodyandwhataretheirfunctions?
  55. What are Theories,hypothesesandpredictionsandhowdotheydiffer?
  56. What are theimportantplantstructuresandtheirfunctions?
  57. What is homeostasisandwhyisitimportant?
  58. What is the scientificmethod?
  59. What is a confidenceinterval?
  60. What is an ANOVA?