Petition text version 20071212

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To:  Governments, UN, and big biotech companies

Title: $0.0 geonome petition

Anyone who wants his/her genome typing should get it free of charge. The cost should be shared by the societies, bio-companies, pubic funds, and governments.

Many advanced nations have biotech companies that try to get profit from sequencing personal genomes. We are not against such activities. We want people all over the world to get reasonably equal opportunities on getting their genome typing and sequencing done with minimum cost: $0.0.

Governments and companies can subsidize genome typing in poor nations and provide them with their sequence information free of charge with analyses results carried out by bioinformatics.

Resultant genome information should also be shared openfreely throughout the world with the permission of the person who wanted his/her genome typed.

This is a feasible and ethical petition to enhance equality in understanding ourselves. We try to lower the gap between rich and poor countries in terms of sharing the most fundamental information of human beings.

We want United Nations, governments, big pharmas, biotech companies, pulic foundations, and science foundations to encourage to make genome typing free of charge for the whole world. It is to achieve genomic equality in the long run.

Owning a PC and the internet connection makes a huge difference in one's quality of life. Acquiring personal genome information is as or more important as that.


$0 genome project group

2007 December.

$0.0 Genonme project petition at