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<div><strong><font color="#000080">&nbsp;<font size="3">&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></font></strong><font size="3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <dt class="intro">KPGP? KPGP! </dt><dd>Korean Personal Genome Project (&ldquo;KPGP&rdquo;) is a participative research project established by Genome Research Foundation (GRF). The international Personal Genome Project (PGP), led by U.S. none-profit research group, is founded in 2006 and seeking a diverse range of volunteers with the purpose of improving human health. In concordance with the international PGP, KPGP has started to improve Korean people's health and medical welfare. &gt; [[more about us]]</dd></font></div>