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<p>#. What three elements define organic compounds? </p>
<p>#. What is an [[element]]? </p>
<p>#. What is a [[protein]] </p><p>#. What is a [[carbohydrate]]? </p><p>#. What is a [[lipid]]? B. MOLECULAR </p><p>#. What is [[DNA]]? </p><p>#. What is a [[gene]]? </p><p>#. What is natural selectionisnaturalselection? (Are evolution and natural selection synonymous andnaturalselectionsynonymous terms?) </p><p>#. What is a chromosomeachromosome? </p><p>#. What are the four principles of Mendelian genetics arethefour principlesofMendeliangenetics#. What is a genome? </p><p>#. How is DNA replicatedisDNAreplicated? </p><p>#. What is epistasisWhatisepistasis? </p><p>#. What are the sources of genetic variationWhatarethesourcesofgeneticvariation? </p><p>#. What is Whatis[[epigenesis]]? C. [[Evolution|EVOLUTION]]([[진화]]) </p><p>#. What does the HardyWhatdoestheHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium predictWeinbergEquilibriumpredict, and what is the importance of the model assumptionsandwhatistheimportanceofthemodelassumptions? </p><p>#. How have continents moved and how has that affected the formation and distribution of speciesHowhavecontinentsmovedandhowhasthataffectedtheformationanddistributionofspecies? </p><p>#. What is evolutionWhatisevolution? </p><p>#. What is the difference between micro and macroWhatisthedifferencebetweenmicroandmacro-evolution? </p><p>#. Can you read a phylogenetic treeCanyoureadaphylogenetictree? </p><p>#. What are the kingdoms of living organismsWhatarethekingdomsoflivingorganisms? </p><p>#. Finish the following Finishthefollowing[[Kingdom, Phylum\uffff^\uffff\uffff etcuffffetc]] </p><p>#. What is the Whatisthe"Evolutionary SynthesisEvolutionarySynthesis"? </p><p>#. Is evolution progressiveIsevolutionprogressive? </p><p>#. What comes firstWhatcomesfirst: the adaptation or the selective pressuretheadaptationortheselectivepressure? </p><p>#. What is meant by the Whatismeantbythe"inheritance of acquired traitsinheritanceofacquiredtraits", who made this claimwhomadethisclaim, and why was he wrongandwhywashewrong? </p><p>#. What is the object of natural selectionWhatistheobjectofnaturalselection? </p><p>#. Are cladogenesis and anagenesis synonymous termsArecladogenesisandanagenesissynonymousterms? </p><p>#. What is a phenotypeWhatisaphenotype? D. CELLULAR </p><p>#. What is osmosisWhatisosmosis? </p><p>#. What are the key differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes Whatarethekeydifferencesbetweenprokaryotesandeukaryotes</p><p>#. What is mitosis and what happens during mitosisWhatismitosisandwhathappensduringmitosis? </p><p>#. What is meiosis and what happens during meiosisWhatismeiosisandwhathappensduringmeiosis? </p><p>#. What are the cell organelles and what are their functionsWhatarethecellorganellesandwhataretheirfunctions? </p><p>#. What are the key differences between plant and animal cellsWhatarethekeydifferencesbetweenplantandanimalcells? </p><p>#. What is a cellWhatisacell? E. ENERGY/MATTER #. What is photosynthesisWhatisphotosynthesis? </p><p>#. What is glycolysisWhatisglycolysis? </p><p>#. What is the KrebWhatistheKreb's cyclescycle? </p><p>#. How does energy flow and matter cycleHowdoesenergyflowandmattercycle? </p><p>#. What is a trophic levelWhatisatrophiclevel? </p><p>#. How does water cycleHowdoeswatercycle? </p><p>#. Can you describe the cycles for key nutrients Canyoudescribethecyclesforkeynutrients(nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon) </p><p>#. What is biomagnificationWhatisbiomagnification? F. ECOLOGY </p><p>#. What is the Theory of Island BiogeographyWhatistheTheoryofIslandBiogeography? </p><p>#. What are r and K selected life historiesWhatarerandKselectedlifehistories? </p><p>#. What is an ecosystemWhatisanecosystem? G. GENERAL </p><p>#. What are NewtonWhatareNewton's LawssLaws? </p><p>#. What are the key organs in the human body and what are their functionsWhatarethekeyorgansinthehumanbodyandwhataretheirfunctions? </p><p>#. What are TheoriesWhatareTheories, hypotheses and predictions and how do they differhypothesesandpredictionsandhowdotheydiffer? </p><p>#. What are the important plant structures and their functionsWhataretheimportantplantstructuresandtheirfunctions? </p><p>#. What is homeostasis and why is it importantWhatishomeostasisandwhyisitimportant? </p><p>#. What is the scientific methodWhatisthescientificmethod? </p><p>#. What is a confidence intervalWhatisaconfidenceinterval? </p><p>#. What is an ANOVAWhatisanANOVA? [[Category:Science]]</p>