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350 bytes added, 12:47, 6 September 2006
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<td bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>&nbsp;CD49c</strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;88-113 (platelet form)125, 30 </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;GPⅢb&alpha;-3 integrin chain, GPIV, OKM5VLA-antigen, PASIV3 &nbspalpha; chain</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;Platelets, mature monocytes / macrophagesB cells, endothelial many adherent cells&nbsp;</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;Adhesion molecule in platelet adhesion and aggregationIntegrin that associates with CD29, and in plateletbinds collagen, laminin-monocyte or platelet-tumor cell interaction; molecule for&nbsp;recognition of apoptotic neutrophils; scavenger receptor for oxidized LDL&nbsp;5, fibronectin, entacin, invasin</td>
<td>&nbsp;40-52145</td> <td>&nbsp;gp52&alpha;-504 integrin chain, VLA-4 &alpha; chain</td> <td>&nbsp;Many cell types, including T cells, B cells; low levels on T , monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, neutrophilsthymocytes, granulocytesNK cells, and monocytes&nbspdendritic cells;not on neutrophils</td> <td>&nbsp;Role in signal transductionCell adhesion molecule for attachment to cell syrface ligands VCAM-1 (&alpha;4&nbspbeta;1 and &alpha;4&beta;7) and MAdCAM-1(&alpha;4&beta;7) and attachment to extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin (&alpha;4&beta;1 and &alpha;4&beta;7) and thrombospondin (&alpha;4&beta;1), and for lymphocyte migration and homing;co-stimulatory molecule for T-cell activation</td>
<td bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>&nbsp;CD49e</strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;45135</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;T10&nbspalpha;-5 integrin chain, FNR &alpha; chain, VLA-5 &alpha; chain</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;Early-stage B and Many cell types, including memory T cells, germinal-center B cellsmonocytes, plasma cells&nbsp;platelets</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">&nbsp;NAD glycohydrolase&nbsp;Integrin that associates with CD29, binds fibronectin, invasin</td>