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160 bytes removed, 13:12, 10 March 2008
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<p>In the field of computer science, the study of bionics has produced artificial neurons, artificial neural networks, and swarm intelligence. Evolutionary computation was also motivated by bionics ideas but it took the idea further by simulating evolution in silico and producing well-optimized solutions that had never appeared in nature.</p>
<p>It is estimated by Julian Vincent, professor of biomimetics at the University of Bath in the UK, that &quot;at present there is only a 10% overlap between biology and technology in terms of the mechanisms used&quot;.</p>
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<h2><span class="mw-headline">History</span></h2>
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<div class="thumbinner" style="WIDTH: 202px"><img class="thumbimage" height="150" alt="Lotus leaf surface, rendered: microscopic view" width="200" border="0" src="" width="200" border="0" />
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<div class="magnify"><img height="11" alt="" width="15" src="" width="15" /></div>
Lotus leaf surface, rendered: microscopic view</div>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">External links</span></h2>
<li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Technology And The Quality Of Life: Part One--A Vision Of The Future</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title=",,0-5-7154-1-503504-1-0-0-503518-0-0-8-10736-0-0-0-0-0-0-0,00.html" rel="nofollow" href=",,0-5-7154-1-503504-1-0-0-503518-0-0-8-10736-0-0-0-0-0-0-0,00.html" rel="nofollow">Boxfish - DaimlerChrysler</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Bionics2Space: Bionics &amp; Space System Design</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Biomimicry Institute</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Biomimicry Guild</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">LiveScience on Biomimetic armour</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title=";storyID=2006-11-17T082425Z_01_L1751091_RTRIDST_0_SCIENCE-MIDEAST-WEAPONS-DC.XML&amp;WTmodLoc=NewsArt-C2-NextArticle-1" rel="nofollow" href=";storyID=2006-11-17T082425Z_01_L1751091_RTRIDST_0_SCIENCE-MIDEAST-WEAPONS-DC.XML&amp;WTmodLoc=NewsArt-C2-NextArticle-1" rel="nofollow">Israel developing anti-militant &quot;bionic hornet&quot;</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">An overview of biomimetics/biomimicry at the Science Creative Quarterly</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago's Neuro-Controlled Bionic Arm</a>. </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Neural Interface bionic Arm</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Biomimetics Network for Industrial Sustainability (BIONIS)</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">FurTech outdoor clothing using feather and fur technology.</a> </li>
<p><a id="References" name="References"></a></p>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">References</span></h2>
<ol class="references">
<li id="_note-0"><strong><a title="" href="">^</a></strong> <a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Nelumbo lotus inspiration for self-cleaning paint</a> </li>
<li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">European Space Agency - Advanced Concepts Team Biomimetics Website</a> </li> <li><a class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">Bioimicry Institute</a> </li>
<li>Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. 1997. <a title="Janine Benyus" href="">Janine Benyus</a>. </li>
<li>Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automation, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2005, Kevin M. Passino </li>
<li><a class="external text" title=",1282,65642,00.html?tw=wn_story_top5" rel="nofollow" href=",1282,65642,00.html?tw=wn_story_top5" rel="nofollow"><em>Ideas Stolen Right From Nature</em></a> (<a class="mw-redirect" title="Wired Magazine" href="">Wired Magazine</a>) </li>
<li>Bionics and Engineering: The Relevance of Biology to Engineering, presented at Society of Women Engineers Convention, Seattle, WA, 1983, Jill E. Steele </li>
<li>Bionics: Nature as a Model. 1993. PRO FUTURA Verlag GmbH, M&uuml;nchen, Umweltstiftung WWF Deutschland </li>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">Notes</span></h2>
<li><cite id="endnote_syntheticplants" style="FONT-STYLE: normal"><a title="" href=""><strong>^</strong></a></cite>&nbsp; Woodley, M. A. (2005). &quot;Synthetic Vegetation: An Ecosystem Prosthesis&quot;, <em>Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech,</em> <strong>2:4</strong>, 395-398. <a class="external autonumber" title="" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow">[2]</a> </li>