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Revision as of 16:56, 6 March 2006 by Ihjung (talk | contribs)

아노머                     Anomer
아닐린 블랙                Aniline black
아닐린-포름알데히드 수지   Aniline-formaldehyde resin
아닐링                     Annealing
아닥트 고무                Adduct rubber
아닥트 중합                Adduct polymerization
아닥트 첨가 생성물         Adduct
아라미드                   Aramid
아레니우스 방정식          Arrhenius equation
아릴기                     Aryl group
아릴화(반응)               Arylation
아미노기 전달 반응         Transamination
아미노 말단기              Amino terminal group
아미노 수지                Amino resin
아미노 알키드 수지         Amino alkyd resin
아미노 알킬화(반응)        Aminoalkylation
아미노화                   Amination
아미드                     Amide
아미드화(반응)             Amidation
아밀라아제                 Aamylase
아브라미 방정식            Avrami's equation
아세탈 수지                Acetal resin
아세탈 플라스틱            Acetal plastics
아세테이트                 Acetate
아세테이트 레이온          Acetate rayon
아세테이트 섬유            Acetate fiber
아세테이트 필름            Acetate film
아세톤 수지                Acetone resin
아세트산 부티르산
셀룰로오스                Cellulose acetate butyrate
아세트산 셀룰로오스        Cellulose acetate
아세트산 셀룰로오스 섬유   Cellulose acetate fiber
아세틸 교환(반응)          Transacetylation
아세틸 전달 효소           Trancacetylase
아세틸화(반응)             Acetylation
아세틸화 값                Acetyl value
아스팔트                   Asphalt
아스피레이터               Aspirator
아시형                     Acid form
아실화(반응)               Acylation
아연 가루                  Zinc dust
(아)이오노머               Ionomer
아이조드 충격 시험         Izod impact test
아조 안료                  Azo pigment
아조 염료                  Azo dye
아조 화합물                Azo compound
아크릴 락카                Acrylic lacquer
아크릴로니트릴-부타디엔 고무            Acrylonitrile -Butadiene Rubber(NBR)
아크릴로니트릴-부타디엔-스티렌 수지     Acrylonitrile -Butadiene-Styrene(ABS)resin
아크릴로니트릴-부타디엔-스티렌 플라스틱          Acrylonitrile -Butadiene-Styrene plastics
아크릴산 메틸              Methyl acrylate
아크릴 섬유                Acrylic fiber
아크릴 수지                Acrylic resin
아크릴 수지 도료           Acrylic resin paint
아크릴 수지 접착제         Acrylic resin adhesive
아크릴 탄성체              Acrylic elastomer
아크릴 플라스틱            Acrylic plastics
아탁틱 고분자              Atactic polymer
아핀 변형                  Affine deformation
안료(색소)                 Pigment
안료부피 농도              Pigment volumn concentration
안전 유리                  Safety glass
안정도                     Stability
안정도 상수                Stability constant
안정성                     Stability
안정제                     Stabilizer
안정화                     Stabilization
알로스테릭[다른자리 입체성]         Allosteric
알로스테릭[다른자리 입체성]효소     Allosteric enzyme
알릴 수지                  Allyl resin
알릴 플라스틱              Aooyl plastics
알맹이                     Particle
알짜 일                    Net work
알칼리                     Alkali
알칼리 재생 고무           Alkali reclaimed rubber
알칼리 정량                Alkalimetry
알코올                     Alcohol
알키드 수지                Alkyd resin
알킬화(반응)               Alkylation
알파 방출                  Alpha emission
알파선                     Alpha ray
알파 입자                  Alpha particle
암금형                     Female mold
암면                       Rock fiber
암호                       Code
압력                       Pressure
압력손실                   Pressure loss
압베 굴절계                Abbe refractometer
압송 경도                  Indentation hardness
압인                       Stamping
압전기                     Piezo-electricity
압전성                     Piezoelectric
압착 원판                  Compact disk(CD)
압축(력)                   Compression
압축기                     Compressor
압축률                     Compressibility
압축 사출 성형             Compression injection molding(CIM)
압축성                     Compressibility
압축 성형                  Compression molding
압축 수축                  Compressive shrinking
압축 크립                  Compression creep
압축 피로 시험             Compression fatigue test
압축 필름                  Extruded film
압출                       Extrusion
압출기                     Extruder
압출량                     Extruder output
압출 레오메터              Extrusion rheometer
압출 발포                  Extrusion foaming
압출 블로우 성형           Extrusion blow molding
압출 성형                  Extrusion molding
압출 속도                  Extrusion rate
압출 코팅                  Extrusion coating
압출 필림                  Extrusion film
앙금                       Precipitate
앞뒤 흔듬 진동             Wagging vibration
액(체)상                   Liquid phase
액(체)화                   Liquifaction
액상 고무                  Liquid rubber
액적                       Coacervate
액정                       Liquid crystal
(액주)압력계               Manometer
액체                       Liquid
액체-고체 크로마토그래피   Liquid-solid chromatography
액체-액체 크로마토그래피   Liquid-liquid chromatography
액체 크로마토그래피        Liquid chromatography
액체 파라핀                Liquid paraffine
앤티포울링 도료            Anti-fouling paint
앰보스지                   Paper, embossed
약물 제어 방출             Controlled crug delivery
약분                       Reduction
약전해질                   Weak electrolyte
얀                         Yarn
얇은막 크로마토그래피      Thin layer chromatography
양극                       Anode
양극 산화                  Anodic oxidation
양극선                     Positive ray
양극성                     Amphipathic property
양모                       Wool
양성 방해                  Positive interference
양성 원소                  Positive dlement
양성자                     Proton
양성자 교환 반응           Proton exchange reaction
양성자성 용매              Protic solvent
양성자유발[도]반응         Proton-induced reaction
양성자 이동                Proton transfer
양성자 첨가(반응)          Protonation
양성자 친화도              Proton affinity
양의 오차                  Positive error
양의 편차                  Positive deviation
양이온                     Positive ion
양이온 공중합              Cationic copolymerization
양이온 교환                Cation exchange
양이온 교환 수지           Cation exchange resin
양이온성 물질              Cationoid
양이온원                   Cationogen
양이온 중합(반응)          Cationic polymerization
양이온 중합 촉매           Cationic polymerization catalyst
양이온 텔로머화(반응)      Cationic telomerization
양자                       Quantum
양자(이)론                 Quqntum theory
양자껍질                   Quqntum shell
양자수                     Quantum number
양자수율                   Quantum yield
양자전자                   Quantum electron
양자전지 모형              Quantum cell model
양자화                     Quantization
양자효율                   Quantum efficiency
양전자성                   Amphiprotic
양전하 입자 [알맹이]                  Positive particle
양쪽성                     Amphiprotic
양쪽성                     Amphoteric
양쪽성                     Amphoterism
양쪽성 전해질              Ampholyte
양친성 고분자              Amphiphilic polymer
어긋나기                   Dislocation
어는점                     Freezing point
어는점 내림                Freezing point depression
어는점 내림법              Cryoscopy
어미 봉우리                Peak
어미 원소                  Parent element
어미 이온                  Parent ion
억압                       Suppression
억제                       Retardation
억제물                     Inhibitor
얼음                       Freezing
얽힘                       Entanglement
엇갈린 형태                Staggered conformation
에나멜                     Enamel
에너지                     Energy
에너지 감쇄                Energy dissipation
에너지 변화                Energy transformation
에너지 보존                Conservation of energy
에너지 이동                Energy transfer
에너지 장벽                Energy barrier
에너지 전달                Energy transfer
에너지 준위                Energy level
에멀젼                     Emulsion
에멀젼[유화]중합           Emulsion polymerization
에멀젼 도장                Emulsion coating
에멀젼 방사                Emulsion spinning
에멀젼 페인트[도료]        Emulsion paint
에멀젼화                   Emulsification
에멀젼화                   Emulsifying
에멀전화제                 Emulsifier
에멀전화제                 Emulsifying agent
에스테르                   Ester
에스테르 가수분해(반응)    Saponification
에스테르 교환(반응)        Ester interchange
에스테르 교환(반응)        Transeesterification
에스테르 축합(반응)        Ester condensation
에스테르화(반응)           Esterification
에어로졸                   Aerosol
연무제                     Aerosol
에이징                     Ag(e)ing
에지 러너 혼합기           Edge runner mixer
에칭                       Etching
에테르 교환(반응)          Transetherification
에틸렌-부타디엔 공중합체   Ethylene-butadiene copolymer
에틸렌 중합체              Ethylene polymer
에틸렌-프로필렌-디엔 고무  EPDM rubber
에폭시 수지                Epoxy resin
에폭시화(반응)             Epoxidation
에피머화(반응)             Epimerization
에피솜                     Episome
엔올형                     Enol form
엔올화(반응)               Enolization
엔지니어링 플라스틱        Engineering plastics
엔탈피                     Enthalpy
엔트로피                   Entropy
엠보스지                   Embossed paper
엠보싱 칼렌더              Embossing calender
여과                       Filtration
여과지                     Filter paper
여기                       Excitation
여기 복합체                Exciplex
여기체                     Excimer
여러겹 필름                Multilayer film
여러 고리 탄화수소         Polynuclear hydrocarbon
여러 사슬 고분자           Multichain polymer
여러 자리 리간드           Multidentate ligand
여러 자리 리간드           Polydentate ligand
여러 자리 킬레이트         Polydentate chelate
여러 통로 분석기           Multichannel analyzer
여액                       Filtrate
역가스 크로마토그래피      Inverse gas chromatography
역격자                     Reciprocal lattice
역류 분리(법)              Countercurrent separation
역류 추출(법)              Countercurrent extraction
역산란 함수                Reciprocal scattering function
역삼투                     Reverse osmosis
역상 크로마토그래피        Reversed-phase chromatography
역성장 시간                Reciprocal rise time
역유화중합                 Inverse emulsion polymerization
역적정                     Back titration
역청질 도료                Bitumen paint
역학                       Kinetics
연결 분자                  Tie molecule
연단                       Red lead
연료 전지                  Fuel cell
연마                       Polishing
연마성                     Abradability
연마 시험기                Abrasive tester
연마용 결합제              Abrasive binder
연마지                     Abrasive paper
연마 처리                  Abrasive finishing
연무제                     Aerosol
연성                       Ductility
연성 파괴                  Ductile fracture
연소                       Combustion
연소 개질제                Combustion modifier
연소 속도                  Burning rate
연소 수축                  Burning shrinkage
연소열                     Heat of combustion
연소 저항(성)              Burning resistance
연소점                     Burning point
연소 교반 탱크 반응기      Continuous stirred-tank reactor(CSTR)
연속 기포 구조             Open-cell structure
연속 기포 발포 플라스틱    Open-cell cellular plastics
연쇄                       Chain
연쇄 반응                  Chain reaction
연쇄 반응의 수명           Life time of chain reaction
연쇄 중합                  Chain polymerization
연수                       Soft segment
연신                       Draw-down
연신                       Drawing
연신비                     Draw-down ratio
연실법                     Chamber process
연실법                     Lead chamber process
연이은 이중 결합           Cumulated double bond
연질 금형                  Flexible mold
연질 발포                  Flexible foam
연질 블록                  Soft block
연질 유리                  Soft glass
연질 플라스틱              Flexible plastics
연합                       Association
연화 온도                  Softning temperature
연화제                     Softning agent
열(계)량(법)               Calorimetry
열가소성 수지              Thermoplastic resin
열가소성 수지              Thermoplastics
열가소성 접착제            Thermoplastic adhesive
열가소성 중합체            Thermoplastic polymer
열가소성 탄성체            Thermoplastic elastomer
열개시                     Thermal initiation
열경화성                   Thermosetting
열경화성 수지              Thermosetting resin
열경화성 접착제            Thermosetting adhesive
열경화성 중합체            Thermosetting polymer
열경화성 플라스틱          Thermosetting plastics
열공기 가황                Hot air valcanization
열공기 성형                Hot air molding
열노화                     Heat ag(e)ing
열량계                     Calorimeter
열량 측정(법)              Calorimetry
열린 사슬 화합물           Open-chain compound
열무게 분석                Thermogravimetric analysis
열무게 측정(법)            Thermogravimetry(TG)
열방(향)성                 Thermotropic
열변색                     Thermochromism
열변형 온도                Heat deflection temperature
열분석                     Thermal analysis
열분해                     Pyrolysis
열분해                     Thermal cracking
열분해                     Thermal decomposition
열분해                     Thermal degradation
열수지                     Thermobalance
열수축                     Thermal shrinkage
열안정성                   Thermal stability
열안정제                   Heat Stabilizer
열역학                     Thermodynamics
열역학 법칙                Law of thermodynamics
열역학 상태방정식          Thermodynamic equation of state
열역학적 평형              Thermodynamic equilibrum
열역학 제1법칙             First law of themodynamics
열역학 함수                Thermodynamic function
열옮김 장식                Heat transfer decorating
열용량                     Heat capacity
열용량                     Thermal capacity
열자국                     Heat mark
열전기쌍                   Thermocouple
열전기 파일                Thermopile
열전도도(율)               Thermal conductivity
열전사 장식                Heat transfer decorating
열중합                     Thermal polymerization
열중합                     Thermopolymerization
열증감제                   Thermal sensitizer
열촉진 열량계              Thermal stimulated calorimeter(TSC)
열처리                     anealing
열판                       Hot plate
열판압연                   Hot-leaf stamping
열팽창                     Thermal expansion
열팽창 계수                Thermal expansion coefficient
열팽창 지수                Thermal expansivity
열평형                     Thermal equilibrium
열함량                     Heat content
열해리                     Thermal dissociation
열화                       Deterioration
열화학                     Thermochemistry
열화학 법칙                Thermochemical law
열확산                     Thermal diffusion
열확산 산란                Thermal diffuse scattering
열활성                     Thermal activation
열효율                     Thermal efficiency
염                         Salt
염기                       Base
염기도                     Bacicity
염기도 내화물              Basic refractory
염기도 산화물              Basic oxide
염기성 안료                Basic pigment
염기성 염료                Basic dye
염료                       Dye
염색 견뢰도                Colorfastness
염석                       Salting out
염소 처리                  Chlorination
염화                       Chlorination
염화 고무                  Chlorinated rubber
염화 부틸 고무             Chlorinated butyl rubber
염화 섬유                  Chlorofiber
염화 파라핀                Chlorinated paraffin
염효가                     Salt effect
엽록소                     Chlorophyll
엽록체                     Chloroplast
엿기름                     Malt
영구 변형                  Permanent set
영구성                     Permanence
영구 쌍극자                Permanent dipole
영구 쌍극자 운동           Permanent dipole moment
영점                       Zero point
영점 에너지                Zero point energy
영점 진동                  Zero point vibration
영족 기체                  Noble gas
영 탄성률                  Young's modulus
예비건조                   Predrying
예비성형                   Preforming
예비성형률                 Preform
예비소련                   Premastication
예비신장                   Prestretching
예비중합                   Prepolymerization
예비 중합체                Prepolymer
예비팽창                   Pre-expansion
예비 혼합물                Premix
예열                       Preheating
오르토                     Ortho
오르토산                   Ortho acid
오르토 효과                Ortho effect
오븐                       Oven
오스트발트 점(성)도계      Owtwald viscometer
오염                       Contamination
오염                       Pollution
오염물                     Contaminant
오염 방지 가공             Soil-resistant finishing
오염 방지 도료             Antifouling paint
오염 방지제                Antifouling agent
오염 제거                  Decontanination
오점                       Stain
오존 균열                  Ozone crack
오존 노화 시험             Ozone ageing test
오존화(반응)               Ozonization
오차                       Error
옥소늄 이온                Oxonium ion
옥탄가                     Octane number
옥탄가                     Octane rating
온도 인자                  Temperature factor
온도 조절기                Thermostat
온도 확산 산란             Temperature diffuse scattering
올레핀 결합                Olefinic bond
올리고머                   Oligomer
옵셋 다이                  Off-set die
옵셋 성형                  Off-set molding
옵셋 인쇄                  Off-set printing
[바]세린                 Vaceline
와이젠버그 효과            Weissenberg effect
왁스                       Wax
완전 혼합온도              Consolute temperature
완전히 펼쳐진 사슬         Fully-extended chain
완충 고무                  Shock absorbing rubber
완충기                     Buffer
완충물질                   Buffer
완충액                     Buffer solution
완충 용액                  Buffer solution
완충 작용                  Buffer action
완충제                     Buffer
완화                       Relaxation
완화 스펙트럼              Relaxation spectrum
완화 시간                  Relaxation time
완화 효과                  Relaxation effect
왕관형 리간드              Crown ligand
왕복 스크류                Reciprocating screw
외부 가소제                External plasticizer
외부 압력                  External pressure
외부 표준                  External standard
외향 고리                  Exocyclic
외향-내향 이성질 현상      Exo-endo isomerism
요동                       Fluctuation
요소                       Element
요소 수지                  Urea resin
요오드 값                  Iodine number
요오드 값                  Iodine value
요오드-녹말 지시약         Iodine-starch indicator
요오드 적정법              Iodometry
요철 롤                    Embossing roll
요철지                     Embossed paper
요철 칼렌더                Embossing calender
용광로                     Furnace
용기                       Cell
용량                       Capacity
용리                       Elution
용리 곡선                  Elution curve
용리띠                     Elution band
용리 부피                  Elution bolume
용리액                     Eluent
용매                       Solvent
용매 주형(법)              Solvent casting
용매 추출                  Sovent extraction
용매화                     Solvation
용수철                     Spring
용식(작용)                 Corrosion
용액                       Solution
용액 중합                  Solution polymerization
용융                       Fusion
용융                       Melting
용융 거동                  Melt behavior
용융 방사                  Melt spinning
용융소멸                   Ablation
용융열                     Heat of fusion
용융 점(성)도              Melt viscosity
용융 접착제                Hot-melt adhesive
용융 중합                  Melt polymerization
용융 코팅                  Hot-melt adhesive
용융 파괴                  Melt fracture
용융 파괴 확대             Bambooing
용융 흐름 지수             Melt flow index
용적 밀도                  Bulk densityWelding
용접                       Welding
용제                       Solvent
용출                       Elution
용출액                     Eluate
용해도                     Solubility
용해도 곡선                Solubility curve
용해도곱                   Solubility product
용해도 인자                Solubility parameter
용해열                     Heat of solution
용해적 상수                Solubility product constant
용해화                     Solubilization
우레탄 고무                Urethane rubber
우벨로오드 점(성)도계      Ubbelohde viscometer
우선성                     Dextrorotatory
우회전성                   Dextro
우회전성                   Dextrorotatory
운동 점(성)도              Kinematic viscosity
운동학                     Kinetics
운모                       Mica
운반 기체                  Carrier gas
운반 단백질                Carrier protein
운반 입자                  Transport particle
운반자                     Carrier
운반체                     Carrier
운반체 없는                Carrier free
울                         Wool
워쉬앤드웨어 공정          Wash and wear finishing
원                         Source
원소                       Eliment
원소 분석                  Element analysis
원심 분리(법)              Centrifugation
원심 분리 라텍스           Centrifuged latex
원심 주형                  Centrifugal casting
원심 포트 방사             Centrifugal pot spinning
원액 염색                  Dope-dyeing
원자가                     Valence
원자가                     Valency
원자가각                   Valence angle
원자가 전자                Valence electron
원자 결정                  Atomic crystal
원자 궤도 함수(상태)       Atomic orbital
원자단                     Group
원자로                     Nuclear reactor
원자로                     Reactor
원자 반지름                Atomic radius
(원자)배열                 Configuration
원자 번호                  Atomic number
원자 편광                  Atomic polarization
원자 핵                    Atomic nucleus
(원자) 핵                  Nucleus
(원자) 핵 반응             Nuclear reaction
(원자) 핵 반지름           Nuclear radius
(원자) 핵분열              Fission
(원자) 핵 분열             Nuclear fission
(원자) 핵 연료             Nuclear fuel
(원자) 핵 연쇄 반응        Nuclear chain reaction
(원자) 핵 융합             Nuclear fusion
(원자)핵자기 공명          Nuclear magnetic resonance
(원자) 핵 전하             Nuclear charge
원자 흡수                  Atomic absorption
원적외선                   Far infrared
원천                       Source
원통 나사형                Cylindrical helix
원형 금형                  Circular die
원형 다이                  Circular die
원형재현                   Renaturation
위상                       Phase
위상각                     Phase angle
위상차 현미경              Phase-contrast microscopy
위상 화학 반응             Topochemical reaction
위스커                     Whisker
위치에너지                 Potential energy
위치에너지 장벽            Potential energy barrier
위치 이성질(현상)          Potential isomerism
위코팅                     Top coating
위코팅                     Upper coating
윌리암스 가소도계          Williams plastometer
윌리암스 마모 시험기       Williams abrasion tester
유기 금속 고분자           Organometallic polymer
유기 금속 안정제           Organometallic stabilizer
유기 금속 촉매             Organometallic catalyst
유기 금속 화합물           Organometallic compound
유기 전도체                Organic conducting materials
유기 화학                  Organic chemistry
유도명                     Derived name
유도 방출                  Induced emission
유도체                     Derivative
유동 고무                  Fluid rubber
유동 밀폐제                Fluid sealant
유동 복굴절                Flow birefringence
유동상                     Fluidized bed
유동상 가황                Fluidized bed vulcanization
유동상 코팅                Fluidized bed coating
유동 성형                  Flow molding
유동학                     Rheology
유량                       Flux
유리 강화 플라스틱         Glass-reinforced plastics(GRP)
유리 구슬                  Glass bead
유리기                     Free radical
유리 기구                  Glassware
유리 상태                  Glassy state
유리 섬유                  Glass fiber
유리 영역                  Glass region
유리 전극                  Glass electrode
유리 전이                  Glass transition
유리 전이 영역             Glass transition region
유리 전이 온도             Glass transition temperature
유리화                     Vitrification
유리화 효과                Glass effect
(원자) 핵반응             Induced nuclear reaction
[도]기(간)             Induced period
[도]반응               Induced reaction
이중 극자[쌍극자]         Induced dipole
[도]효과               Inductive effect
유발 방출                  Induced emission
유방(향)성                 Lyotropic
유변 광학                  Rheo-optical, Rheooptical
유변성 수지                Oil modified resin
유변역학                   Rheokinetics
유변학적                   Rheological
유사결정                   Paracrystals
유사 결정[성]            Paracrystallinity
유사 방향족 화합물         Pseudo-aromatic compound
유사 비대칭(성)            Pseudo-asymmetry
유사 비활성 기체 구조      Pseudo-inert gas structure
유사산                     Pseudo-acid
유사소성                   Pseudoplasticity
유사소성 유체              Pseudoplastic fluids
유사 소성 흐름             Pseudoplastic flow
유사 염기                  Pseudo-base
유수                       Residue
유압식 압출기              Hydraulic extruder
유연성                     Flexibility
유연성                     Plasticity
유전 공학                  Genetic engineering
유전 내력                  Dielectric strength
유전 분포                  Dielectric distribution
유전  상수                 Dielectric constant
유전 손실                  Dielectric loss
유전 함호                  Genetic code
유전 완화                  Dielectric relaxation
유전자                     Gene
유전적 결함                Genetic defect
유전 편극                  Dielectric polarization
유전 형질                  Genetic character
유제                       Emulsion
유지                       Fat and oil
유착                       Coalescence
유착제                     Coalescing agent
유체관 반응기              Flow-tube reactor
유체 역학적 부피           Hydrodynamic volume
유출 금형                  Overflow mold
유화                       Emulsification
유화                       EmulsifyingEmulsifier
유화제                     Emulsifier
유화제                     Emulsifying agent
유효 부피                  Effective volume
육중 상태                  Sextet
육중선                     Sextet
육중합                     Sexter
윤내기                     Burnishing
윤내기                     Glazing
윤빼기 가공                Delustering finish
윤빼기 가공제              Delustering agent
윤빼기 처리                Delustering
윤없는 실                  Delustered yarn
윤활유                     Lubricane
윤활유유                   Lubricant oil
윤활제                     Lubricant
융삭                       Ablation
융삭[흡열] 고분자          Ablative polymer
융삭 코팅                  Ablative coation
융점                       Melting point
융제                       Flux
융해열                     Heat of fusion
음극선                     Cathode ray
음극 환원                  Cathodic reduction
음성 원소                  Negative element
음이온 공중합              Anionic copolymerization
음이온 공중합체            Anionic copolymer
음이온 교환                Anion exchange
음이온 교환 수지           Anion exchange resin
음이온 그라프팅            Anionic grafting
음이온 라디칼 개시제       Anion radical initiator
음이온 중합(반응)          Anioic polymerization
음이온 중합 촉매           Anionic polymerization catalyst
음파 탄성률                Sonic modulus
응결                       Flocculation
응결 고무                  Flocculated rubber
응결점                     Freezing point
응고                       Coagulation
응고                       Solidification
응고제                     Coagulant
응고제                     Coagulating agent
응답 시간                  Response time
응력                       Stress
응력 경화                  Stress hardening
응력 균열                  Stress cracking
응력 농도                  Stress concentration
응력 백화                  Stress-whitening
응력-변형 곡선             Stress-strain curve
응력 완화                  Stress relaxtion
응력 집중                  Stress concentration
응력 집중
[확대]인자                Stress intensity factor
응집                       Aggregation
응집                       Cohesion
응집                       Flocculation
응집력                     Cohesive force
응집 방지제                Anticoagulant
응집 에너지                Cohesive energy
응집 에너지 밀도           Cohesive energy density
응축기                     Condenser
응축상                     Condensed phase
응혈                       Blood clot
의료용 고분자              Medical polymer
의료용 접착제              Medical adhesive
의류                       Clothing
의자형                     Chair form
의자 형태                  Chair cinformation
이(차)원 크로마토그래피    Two dimensional chromatography
이가산                     Dibasic acid
이가체                     Diad
이가체                     Dyad
이관능성 단량체            Difunctional monomer
이금속 메카니즘            Bimetallic mechanism
이단 중합                  Two-stage polymerization
이동                       Migration
이동                       Shift
이동                       Transfer
이동도                     Mobility
이동 반응                  Transfer reaction
이동성                     Movility
이동상                     Moving phase
이동 인자                  Shift factor
이량체                     Dimer
이량체화(반응)             Dimerization
이면 사이징                Back sizing
이미드(화물)               Imide
이방성                     Anisotropy
이분자 반응                Bimolecular reaction
이분자 정지(반응)          Bimolecular termination
이상 기체                  Ideal gas
이상 기체(방정)식          Ideal gas equation
이상 기체 법칙             Ideal gas law
이상 용액                  Ideal solution
이상 혼합물                Ideal mixture
이색성                     Dichroism
이성(원자)핵 현상          Isomerism
이성(질)체                 Isomer
이성(질) 현상              Isomerism
이성분계 개시제            Binary initiator
이성분계 공중합            Binary copolymerization
이성분 섬유                Bicomponent fiber
이성분 섬유                Biconstituent fiber
이성질(체)화               Isomerization
이소탁틱도                 Isotacticity
이소탁틱 중합체            Isotactic polymer
이송 성형                  Transfer molding
이온(결합) 화합물          Ionic compound
이온(성) 결정              Ionic crystal
이온(성) 인력              Ionic attraction
이온간 인력                Interionic attraction
이온 결합                  Electrovalent bond
이온 결합                  Ionic bond
이온 결합성 고분자         Halato polymer
이온 결합성 단량체         Halato monomer
이온곱                     Ionic product
이온 교환                  Ion exchange
이온 교환 분리             Ion exchange separation
이온 교환 수지             Ion exchange resin
이온 교환 크로마토그래피   Ion exchange chromatography
이온 라디칼                Ion radical
이온 반응                  Ionic reaction
이온 반지름                Ion radius
이온 세기                  Ionic strength
이온 중합                  Ionic polymerization
이온 중합 촉매             Ionic polymerization catalyst
이온화                     Ionization
이온화도                   Degree of ionization
이온화도                   Ionization degree
이온화 상수                Ionization constant
이온화 상자                Ionization chamber
이온화 에너지              Ionization energy
이온화 함                  Ionization chamber
이완 시간                  Relaxation time
이웃기 효과                Penultimate effect
이웃기 효과                Penultimate unit effect
이원고분자                 Bipolymer
이원자 분자                Diatomic molecule
이작용기성                 Bifunctional
이작용기성 단량체          Bifunctional monomer
이정 분산                  Bimodal distribution
이종 고분자                Heteropolymer
이종 리간드성 효소         Heterotroic enzyme
이종성 단백질              Heterlogous protein
이종 원자                  Heteroatom
이종원자 고리 고분자       Heterocyclic polymer
이종 원자 고리 화합물      Heterocyclic compound
이중 결합                  Double bond
이중 극성 첨가             Dipolar addition
이중 극자                  Dipole
이중 나선                  Double helix
이중층                     Bilayer
이중층                     Double layer
이차                       Quadratic
이차 가소제                Secondary plasticizer
이차 구조                  Secondary structure
이차내삽법                 Quadratic interpolation
이차 모형함수              Quadratic shape function
이차 반응                  Second order reaction
이차방정식                 Quadratic equation
이차 완화                  Secondary relaxation
이차 전기광학효과          Quadratic electro-optic effect
이차 전이                  Second order transition
이차 촉진제                Secondary accelerator
이축 배향                  Biaxial orientation
이축 변형                  Biaxial strain
이축 복굴절                Biaxial birefringence
이축 압출기                Double screw extruder
이축 압출기                Twin screw extruder
이축 연신                  Biaxial drawing
이축 연신                  Biaxial stretching
이축 응력                  Biaxial stress
이층군                     Subgroup
이탈기                     Leaving group
이형                       Mold release
이형(물)                   Profile
이형압출                   Profile extrusion
이형제                     Releasing agent
익스텐더                   Extender
인공 내후성 시험           Artificial weathering test
인공 신장                  Artificial kidney
인공 심장                  Artificial heart
인공폐                     Artificial lung
인공 피혁                  Artificial leather
인공 혈액                  Artificial blood
인단백질                   Phosphoprotein
인디고                     Indige
인발성형                   Pultrusion
인산 전달 반응             Transphosphorylation
인산화(반응 작용)          Phosphorylation
인쇄                       Printing
인쇄회로                   Printde circuits
인수                       Factor
인스트론형 만능 시험기     Instron type universal tester
인열 강도                  Tear strength
인열 시험                  Tear test
인열 저항                  Tear resistance
인자                       Factor
인장 강도                  Tensile strength
인장 순응율                Tensile compliance
인장 시험                  Tensile test
인장 탄성                  Tensile elasticity
인접기 단위효과            Penultimate unit effect
인접기 효과                Penultimate effect
인접 재진입 모델           Adjacent re-entry model
인조견                     Rayon
인조견                     Viscos rayon
인조 섬유                  Man-made fiber
인조 섬유                  Staple fiber
인지질                     Phospholipid
인화성                     Flammability
인화점                     Flash point
일                         Wark
일가이온                   Univalent ion
일단계법                   One-stage method
일단법                     One-shot method
일반 기본 단위             Conventional base unit
일반화 반응(식)            Type reaction
일분자막                   Unimolecular film
일분자 반응                Unimolecular reaction
일분자 필름                Film, unimolecular
일사계                     Actinometer
일액형 접착제              One-component adhesive
일전자 결합                One-electron bond
일정 공급                  Constant feeding
일정 성분비의 법칙         Law of definite proportions
일정 전위기                Potentiostat
일차 가소제                Primary plasticizer
일차 구조                  Primary structure
일차 라디칼                Primary radical
일차 반응                  First order reaction
일차 전이                  First order transition
일차 전지                  Primary cell
일차 조합                  Linear combination
일차 촉진제                Primary accelerator
일축 배향                  Uniaxial orientation
일축 연신                  Uniaxial drawing
일축 장력                  Uniaxial tension
일회용 플라스틱            Disposable plastics
임계 길이                  Critical length
임계 농도                  Critical concentration
임계 미셀 농도             Critical micelle concentration
임계 부피                  Critical volume
임계 상태                  Critical state
임계 온도                  Critical temperature
임계 용해온도              Consolute temperature
임계점                     Critical point
임계 조건                  Critical condition
임상화학                   Clitical chemistry
임자 결정                  Host crystal
임펄스 용접                Impulse welding
입구                       Gate
입도 분포                  Size distribution
입방 대칭                  Cubic symmetry
입자                       Particle
입자광산란 함수            Particle light-scattering function
입자기                     Granulator
입자 크기                  Particle size
입자 크기 분포             Particle size distribution
입체 규칙도                Tacticity
입체규칙성 고분자          Stereoregular  polymer
입체선택성                 Stereoselectivity
입체선택성 중합            Stereoselective polymerization
입체선호성 중합            Stereoselective polymerization
입체 이성(현상)            Stereoisomerism
입체 이성질체              Stereoisomer
입체 이성질체              Stereomer
입체장애                   Steric hindrance
입체장애                   Steric inhibition
입체특이성                 Stereospecificity
입체특이성의               Stereospecific
입체 특이성 중합           Stereospecific polymerization
입체 화학                  Stereochemistry
입체효과                   Steric dffect
입체형태                   Conformation
ABS수지                    ABS resin
Alpha선                    Alpha ray
Alpha입자                  Alpha particle
NBS 마모 시험기            NBS abrasion tester
WLF 식                     WLF equation
X선                        X-ray
X선 산란                   X-ray scattering
X선 회절                   X-ray diffraction