The 50 things every biologist should know A. CHEMISTRY #. What is an atom? #. What is a molecule? #. What causes water to be green?
#. What are the two laws of thermodynamics?
#. What are the four unique properties of water?
#. What three elements define organic compounds?
#. What is an element? #. What is a protein #. What is a carbohydrate? #. What is a lipid? B. MOLECULAR #. What is DNA? #. What is a gene? #. What is natural selection? (Are evolution and natural selection synonymous terms?) #. What is a chromosome? #. What are the four principles of Mendelian genetics #. What is a genome? #. How is DNA replicated? #. What is epistasis? #. What are the sources of genetic variation? #. What is epigenesis? C. EVOLUTION(진화) #. What does the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium predict, and what is the importance of the model assumptions? #. How have continents moved and how has that affected the formation and distribution of species? #. What is evolution? #. What is the difference between micro and macro-evolution? #. Can you read a phylogenetic tree? #. What are the kingdoms of living organisms? #. Finish the following Kingdom, Phylum\uffff^\uffff\uffff etc #. What is the "Evolutionary Synthesis"? #. Is evolution progressive? #. What comes first: the adaptation or the selective pressure? #. What is meant by the "inheritance of acquired traits", who made this claim, and why was he wrong? #. What is the object of natural selection? #. Are cladogenesis and anagenesis synonymous terms? #. What is a phenotype? D. CELLULAR #. What is osmosis? #. What are the key differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes #. What is mitosis and what happens during mitosis? #. What is meiosis and what happens during meiosis? #. What are the cell organelles and what are their functions? #. What are the key differences between plant and animal cells? #. What is a cell? E. ENERGY/MATTER #. What is photosynthesis? #. What is glycolysis? #. What is the Kreb's cycle? #. How does energy flow and matter cycle? #. What is a trophic level? #. How does water cycle? #. Can you describe the cycles for key nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon) #. What is biomagnification? F. ECOLOGY #. What is the Theory of Island Biogeography? #. What are r and K selected life histories? #. What is an ecosystem? G. GENERAL #. What are Newton's Laws? #. What are the key organs in the human body and what are their functions? #. What are Theories, hypotheses and predictions and how do they differ? #. What are the important plant structures and their functions? #. What is homeostasis and why is it important? #. What is the scientific method? #. What is a confidence interval? #. What is an ANOVA?