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 CD antigen


 Synonyms & Properties

 Leukocyte expression  


 CDw136  180  Macrophage-stimulating protein receptor (msp receptor), ron (p158-ron)   Monocytes; epithelial tissues including skin, kidney, lung, liver, intestine, amd colon   Induction off migration, morphological change, and proliferation in different target cells 
 CDw137  85  4-1BB, induced by lymphocyte activation (ILA)   T cells, B cells, monocytes    Co-stimulation of T-cell proliferation
 CD138  MW not known  Heparin sulfate proteoglycan, syndecan-1   B cells   Binding to collagen type 1
 CD139  209, 228    B cells, monocytes, granulocytees, follicular dendritic cells    Not known 
 CD140a  180  PDGF receptor (PDGF-R), PDGFR, α platelet-derived growth-factor receptor (PDGFRa)   Some endothelial cells   Receptor for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) 
 CD140b  180  β platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFRb)   Some endothelial cells   Receptor for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) 
 CD141  75  Fetomodulin, thrombomodulin (TM)   Endothelial cells, megakaryocytes, platelets, monocytes, neutrophils   Essential molecule for activation of protein C and initiation of the protein C anticoagulant pathway 
 CD142  45-47  Coagulation FactorⅢ, theomboplastin, tissue factor (TF)   Inducible on monocytes and vascular endothelial cells by various inflammatory mediators   Aid in establishing environment favoring coagulation 