Bioinformatics research and service centers around the world.
Major Genomic Information Repositories
- NCBI The National Center for Biotechnology Information - Bethesda MD, USA
- EBI The European Bioinformatics Institute - Hinxton, UK
- GDB US The Genome Database - Baltimore MD, USA
- GDB UK The Genome Database, European Mirror Site - Hinxton, UK (faster)
- CHLC Cooperative Human Linkage Center - Iowa City IA, USA
- TIGR The Institute for Genomic Research - Gaithersburg MD, USA
- IMAGE Consortium - Livermore CA, USA
Medical Genetics
- OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man - Bethesda MD, USA
- HGMD Human Gene Mutation Database - Cardiff, UK
- Genetic Linkage Analysis Web Resource - New York NY, USA
- CGAP NCI Cancer Genome Anatomy Project - Bethesda MD, USA
- LBL Resource for Molecular Cytogenetics - Berkeley CA, USA
- The Dysmorphic Mouse-Human Homology Database - Hinxton, UK
Developmental Biology
- Society for Developmental Biology - West Lafayette IN, USA
- Zygote Web Site - Swarthmore PA, USA
- Human Embryology Web Site - Cincinatti OH, USA
- UCSF Visible Embryo Project - San Francisco CA, USA
- FlyView - Muenster, Germany
- The Zebrafish Server European Mirror Site - Strasbourg, France
- Mouse Atlas and Gene Expression Database - Edinburgh, UK
- Organogenesis Database - Edinburgh, UK
- Human Atlas Database - Edinburgh, UK
- Tooth Development Web Site - Helsinki, Finland
Anatomy Resources
- Veterinary Anatomy and Radiology - Athens GA, USA
- Human Pathology Atlas - Urbana IL, USA
- The Whole Brain Atlas - Cambridge MA, USA
- Atlas of the Primate Brain - Seattle WA, USA
- The Visible Human Project - Bethesda MD, USA
Cell Lines and Clones
- ATCC American Type Culture Collection - Rockville MD, USA
- European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures - Baltimore MD, USA
- Fungal Genetics Stock Center - Daresbury, UK
- Human Genetic Mutant Cell Repository - Camden NJ, USA
- Genline - Seattle WA, USA
- IMAGE Consortium - Livermore CA, USA
Genome Mapping
- RZPD German Human Genome Project Resource Centre - Berlin, Germany
- LDB The Genetic Location Database - Southampton, UK
- GeneCards: human genes, proteins and diseases - Rehovot, Israel
- University of Washington Cytogenetics - Seattle WA, USA
- Resource for Molecular Cytogenetics - Berkeley CA, USA
Genome Centres - USA
- NIH National Human Genome Research Institute - Bethesda MD
- Joint Genome Institute - Los Alamos - Lawrence Berkeley - Lawrence Livermore Cosortium
- National Center for Genome Resources - Santa Fe NM
- Baylor College of Medicine Genome Center - Houston TX
- TIGR The Institute for Genomic Research - Gaithersburg MD
- Stanford Human Genome Center - Palo Alto CA
- Stanford DNA Sequence and Technology Center - Palo Alto CA
- UC Berkeley Drosophila Genome Center - Berkeley CA
- University of Washington Genome Center - Seattle WA
- University of Wisconsin E. coli Genome Center - Madison WI
- Washington University Genome Sequencing Center - St Louis MO
- Whitehead Institute Genome Center - Cambridge MA
- CalTech Genome Research Laboratory - Pasadena CA
Genome Centres - International
- CEPH - Paris, France
- Genethon - Paris, France
- HGMP MRC Human Genome Mapping Resource Centre - Hinxton, UK
- The Sanger Centre - Cambridge, UK
- Roslin Institute - Edinburgh, UK
- The Weizmann Institute of Science Genome Center - Rehovot, Israel
- GenomeNet - Kyoto, Japan
- ANGIS Australian National Genomic Information Service - Sydney, Australia
- SANBI South African National Bioinformatics Institute - Cape Town, South Africa
Human Chromosome-Specific Web Sites
- Chromosome 1 Rockefeller University - New York NY, USA
- Chromosome 3 University of Texas - San Antonio TX, USA
- Chromosome 5 University of California at Irvine - Irvine CA, USA
- Chromosome 6 Sanger Centre - Hinxton, UK
- Chromosome 7 Hospital for Sick Children - Toronto, Canada
- Chromosome 8 University of Texas - San Antonio TX, USA
- Chromosome 9 UCL - London, UK
- Chromosome 10 Genome Therapeutics Corp. - Waltham MA, USA
- Chromosome 11 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Dallas TX, USA
- Chromosome 12 Yale University - New Haven CT, USA
- Chromosome 13 Columbia University - New York NY, USA
- Chromosome 15 University of British Columbia - Vancouver, Canada
- Chromosome 16 LANL - Los Alamos NM, USA
- Chromosome 17 Weizmann Institute of Science - Rehovot, Israel
- Chromosome 18 Children's Hospital - Boston MA, USA
- Chromosome 19 LLNL - Livermore CA, USA
- Chromosome 22 University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia PA, USA
- Chromosome 22 Sanger Centre - Hinxton, UK
- Chromosome X Baylor College of Medicine - Houston TX, USA
- Mitochondrial Chromosome Emory University - Atlanta GA, USA
Genome Projects - Model Organisms
- WIT Interactive Metabolic Reconstruction Server - Argonne IL, USA
- MICADO Bacillus subtilis Database - Jouy-en-Josas, France Bacterial Genomes Server - Cambridge, UK
- Stanford SacchDB Saccharomyces Database - Palo Alto CA, USA
- NIH Campus Yeast Interest Group - Bethesda MD, USA
- The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Genome Project - Hinxton, UK
- Fungal Genome Resource - Athens GA, USA
- Caenorhabditis elegans Server - Dallas TX, USA
- Caenorhabditis elegans Server - Hinxton, UK
- FlyBase (Drosophila) Server - Hinxton, UK
- The Xenopus Molecular Marker Resource - Houston TX, USA
- The Fugu Genome Project - Hinxton, UK
- Stanford AtDB Arabidopsis Database - Palo Alto CA, USA
- Jackson Laboratory Mouse Genome Database - Bar Harbor ME, USA
- The WashU-HHMI Mouse EST Project - St Louis MO, USA
- The European Collaborative Interspecific Mouse Backcross - Hinxton, UK
Sequence Analysis
- ExPaSy Web Site - Geneva, Switzerland
- PROSITE Dictionary of Protein Sites and Patterns - Geneva, Switzerland
- SWISS-PROT Protein Sequence Database - Geneva, Switzerland
- DbBrowser Bioinformatics Web Server - University College London, UK
- PRINTS Protein Motif Fingerprint Database - University College London, UK
- OWL Composite Protein Sequence Database - University College London, UK
- ALIGN Sequence Alignment Compendium - University College London, UK
- ProDom Protein Domain Database - Toulouse, France
- Pfam Database of Protein Domain Families - Hinxton, UK
- Weizmann Institute Genome and Bioinformatics - Rehovot, Israel
- TRANSFAC Transcription Factor Database - Braunschweig, Germany
- Baylor C ollege of Medicine Search Launcher - Houston TX, USA
- GRAIL Coding Region Prediction Server - Oak Ridge TN, USA
- GENSCAN Gene Structure Prediction Server - Palo Alto CA, USA
- Lawrence Berkeley Lab Promoter Prediction Server - Berkeley CA, USA
- Lawrence Berkeley Lab Splice Site Prediction Server - Berkeley CA, USA
- Lawrence Berkeley Lab Gene Finder - Berkeley CA, USA
- TESS Transcription Element Search Software - Philadelphia PA, USA
- BLOCKS Server - Seattle WA, USA
- The RNA Page by Mike Zuker - St Louis MO, USA
- The p53 Web Resource - Paris, France
- Joe Felsenstein Lab Phylogeny Server - Seattle WA, USA
Structural Biology
- PDB US Protein Data Bank - Brookhaven NY, USA
- PDB UK Protein Data Bank, European Mirror Site - Hinxton, UK (faster)
- ICRF Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory - 44 LIF
- SCOP Structural Classification of Proteins - Cambridge, UK
- CATH Protein Structure Classification - London, UK
- NIH Molecules R Us - Bethesda MD, USA
- Molecular Design Institute - San Francisco CA, USA
- Protein Kinase Resource - San Diego CA, USA
- National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research - San Diego CA, USA
Proteome Related
- Biobase 2-D Gel Database - Aarhus, Denmark
- PROLYSIS Protease Web Server - Toulouse, France
- EMBL Protein and Peptide Group - Heidelberg, Germany
- MOWSE Peptide Mass Database Server - Daresbury, UK
- PDD NIH Protein-Disease Database - Bethesda MD, USA
- The Cytoskeletal Protein Interactions Database - New Haven CT, USA
Major Research Centres Worldwide
- MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - Cambridge, UK
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine - London, UK
- EMBL - Heidelberg, Germany
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Munich, Germany (with links to all Max-Planck Institutes)
- DKFZ German Cancer Research Centre - Heidelberg, Germany
- Biozentrum - Basel, Switzerland
- Basel Institute for Immunology - Basel, Switzerland
- Friedrich-Miescher-Institut - Basel, Switzerland
- Institut Pasteur - Paris, France
- Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris, France
- Karolinska Institutet - Stockholm, Sweden
- International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - Trieste, Italy
- Weizmann Institute of Science - Rehovot, Israel
- National Institutes of Health - Bethesda MD, USA
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Atlanta GA, USA
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Cold Spring Harbor NY, USA
- Salk Institute - San Diego CA, USA
- Scripps Institute - San Diego CA, USA
- Mayo Clinic - Rochester MN, USA
- Argone National Laboratory - Argonne IL, USA
- Brookhaven National Laboratory - Brookhaven NY, USA
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Berkeley CA, USA
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore CA, USA
- Los Alamos National Laboratory - Los Alamos NM, USA
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge TN, USA
- Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque NM and Livermore CA, USA
Other Information Resources
- WHO World Health Organization - Geneva, Switzerland
- NCI CancerNet European Mirror Site - Bonn, Germany
- The Wellcome Trust - London, UK
- CORDIS Community Research and Development Information Service (European Commission) - Luxembourg
- US Dept of Energy Biology Information Center
- US Dept of Energy Human GenomeNewsletter
- HUGO The Human Genome Organisation - Baltimore MD, USA
- Environmental Mutagen Society - Oak Ridge TN, USA
- Washington Fax - Biotechnology Policy Information
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Chevy Chase MD, USA
- Access Excellence - from Genentech, Inc.
- The Scientist - University of Pennsylvania
- Doctor's Guide to the Internet
- Intellectual Property Law
Frequently Asked Questions
- How much of the human genome has been sequenced?
- Mapped human genes by chromosome from GDB - Hinxton, UK
- Human inherited disease genes identified by positional cloning from NCBI - Bethesda MD, USA
- The MAGPIE list of genome projects - Argonne IL, USA
- DOGS Database of Genome Sizes - Copenhagen, Denmark
Pharma and Biotech Companies - Europe
- Astra - Sweden
- Bayer - Germany
- Boehringer Mannheim - Germany
- Evotec - Germany
- Glaxo Wellcome - UK
- Hoechst - Germany
- Lion bioscience - Germany
- Novartis - Switzerland
- Qiagen - Germany
- Rhone-Poulenc - France
- Roche - Switzerland
- Zeneca - UK
- UK Business Park
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Pharma and Biotech Companies - USA