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Revision as of 20:41, 8 March 2006 by Thkim (talk | contribs)
Chris Lee UCLA Chem&Biochem <html></html>
Chuong B. Do  Stanford University
Dan Lee The Institute for Genomic Research, Department of Plant Genomics <html></html>
Daniel Yoo Stanford University, Carnegie Institution of Washington <html></html>
Hyun S. Moon 한국과학기술원 bio-informaation system laboratory 박사과정 <html></html>
Jeaju Ko <html></html> Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Jennifer.Lee Department of Life Science, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK. <html></html>
Kang joo H. 한국과학기술원 바이오 시스템학과 박사과정 <html></html>
Lee J.K University of Virginia School of Medicine, Division of Biostatics and Epidemiology <html></html>
Norman H. Lee, The Institute for Genomic Research, mammalian genomics <html></html>
Yun S. Song <html></html>