50가지 생물학자가 알아야할 것들
The 50 things every biologist should know A. CHEMISTRY #. What is an atom? #. What is a molecule? #. What causes water to be green?
#. What are the two laws of thermodynamics?
#. What are the four unique properties of water?
#. What three elements define organic compounds?
#. What is an element?
#. What is a protein
#. What is a carbohydrate?
#. What is a lipid? B. MOLECULAR
#.What is DNA?
#. What is agene?
#. What isnaturalselection?(Are evolution andnaturalselectionsynonymous terms?)
#.What is achromosome?
#. What arethefour principlesofMendeliangenetics#.What is a genome?
#.How isDNAreplicated?