Glossy Black-Cockatoo

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Scientific name: Calyptorhynchus lathami
Family: Cacatuidae
Order: Psittaciformes

The Glossy Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami), also known as the Casuarina Black Cockatoo after one of their preferred food items, is the smallest member of the subfamily Calyptorhynchinae found in Australia.

The scientific name honours the English ornithologist John Latham.

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Glossy Black Cockatoos are predominantly black with striking caudal red patches. Female birds are a duller dark brown in colour, with flecks of yellow in the tail and collar. An adult will grow to be about 46-50cm in length. The birds are often found in open forest and woodlands, and usually feed on seeds of the she-oak.


The three subspecies were proposed by Schodde et al. in 1993,[1] though Forshaw has reservations due to their extremely minimal differences.[2]

Conservation Status


Glossy Black-cockatoo are not listed as threatened on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

State of Victoria, Australia

  • The eastern subspecies of the Glossy Black-cockatoo (C. l. lathami) is listed as threatened on the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (1988).[5] Under this Act, an Action Statement for the recovery and future management of this species has not been prepared.[6]
  • On the 2007 advisory list of threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria, the subspecies C. l. lathami is listed as vulnerable.[7]

External links


  1. ^ a b Schodde R, Mason IJ & Wood JT. (1993). Geographical differentiation in the Glossy Black Cockatoo Calytorhynchus lathami (Temminck), and its history. Emu 93: 156-166
  2. ^ Forshaw, Joseph M. & Cooper, William T. (2002): Australian Parrots (3rd ed). Press, Willoughby, Australia. ISBN 0-9581212-0-6
  3. ^ Blakers M, Davies SJJF, Reilly PN (1984) The Atlas of Australian Birds. RAOU and Melbourne University press, Melbourne.
  4. ^ Joseph L (1982) The Glossy Black Cockatoo on Kangaroo Island Emu 82 46-49
  5. ^ Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria
  6. ^ Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria
  7. ^ Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (2007). Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria - 2007. East Melbourne, Victoria: Department of Sustainability and Environment, 15. ISBN 978-1-74208-039-0. 
  • Flegg, Jim. Birds of Australia: Photographic Field Guide Sydney: Reed New Holland, 2002. (ISBN 1-876334-78-9)
  • Garnett, S. (1993) Threatened and Extinct Birds Of Australia. RAOU. National Library, Canberra. ISSN 0812-8014