50가지 생물학자가 알아야할 것들
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Revision as of 18:22, 27 January 2006 by (talk)
The 50 things every biologist should know A. CHEMISTRY
- #. What is an atom?
- #. What is a molecule?
- #. What causes water to be green?
- #. What are the two laws of thermodynamics?
- #. What are the four unique properties of water?
- #. What three elements define organic compounds?
- #. What is an element?
- #. What is a protein
- #. What is a carbohydrate?
- #. What is a lipid? B. MOLECULAR
- #.What is DNA?
- #. What is agene?
- #. What isnaturalselection?(Are evolution andnaturalselectionsynonymous terms?)
- #.What is achromosome?
- #. What arethefour principlesofMendeliangenetics
- #.What is a genome?
- #.How is DNA replicated?
- #.What is epistasis?
- #.What are thesourcesofgeneticvariation?
- #.What is epigenesis?C.EVOLUTION(진화)
- #.What does the Hardy-WeinbergEquilibriumpredict,andwhatistheimportanceofthemodelassumptions?
- #.How have continentsmovedandhowhasthataffectedtheformationanddistributionofspecies?
- #.What is evolution?
- #.What is the differencebetweenmicroandmacro-evolution?
- #.Can you read aphylogenetic tree?
- #.What are thekingdomsoflivingorganisms?
- #.Finish the followingKingdom,Phylum\uffff^\uffff\uffffetc
- #.What is the "EvolutionarySynthesis"?
- #.Isevolutionprogressive?
- #.What comesfirst:theadaptationortheselectivepressure?
- #.What ismeantbythe"inheritanceofacquiredtraits",whomadethisclaim,andwhywashewrong?
- #.What istheobjectofnaturalselection?
- #.Are cladogenesisandanagenesissynonymousterms?
- #.What isaphenotype?D.CELLULAR
- #.What isosmosis?
- #.What arethekeydifferencesbetweenprokaryotesandeukaryotes
- #.What ismitosisandwhathappensduringmitosis?
- #.What ismeiosisandwhathappensduringmeiosis?
- #.What arethecellorganellesandwhataretheirfunctions?
- #.What arethekeydifferencesbetweenplantandanimalcells?
- #.What isacell?E.ENERGY/MATTER
- #.What isphotosynthesis?
- #.What isglycolysis?
- #.What istheKreb'scycle?
- #.How doesenergyflowandmattercycle?
- #.What isatrophiclevel?
- #.How does watercycle?
- #.Can you describe the cyclesforkeynutrients(nitrogen,phosphorus,carbon)
- #.What isbiomagnification?F.ECOLOGY
- #.What istheTheoryofIslandBiogeography?
- #.What arerandKselectedlifehistories?
- #.What is a necosystem?G.GENERAL
- #.What are Newton'sLaws?
- #.What are thekeyorgansinthehumanbodyandwhataretheirfunctions?
- #.What are Theories,hypothesesandpredictionsandhowdotheydiffer?
- #.What are theimportantplantstructuresandtheirfunctions?
- #.What is homeostasisandwhyisitimportant?
- #.What is the scientificmethod?
- #.What is a confidenceinterval?
- What is an ANOVA?