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<p><font size="5"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: #000000; LINE-HEIGHT: 21px; FONT-FAMILY: '바탕'; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><strong><font size="4">[[Introduction to microbiology]]<br />
<p><strong>Microbiology</strong> is the study of <em>microorganisms</em>, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms. This includes eukaryotes such as fungi and protists, and prokaryotes such as bacteria and certain algaes. Viruses, though not strictly classed as living organisms, are also studied<sup class="reference" id="_ref-0">[1]</sup>. Microbiology is a broad term which includes many branches like Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology &amp; Others. A person who specializes in the area of Microbiology is called as &ldquo;Microbiologist&rdquo;</p>
<p>Although much is now known in the field of microbiology, advances are being made regularly. The most common estimates suggest that we have studied only about 1% of all of the microbes in any given environment. Thus, despite the fact that over three hundred years have passed since the discovery of microbes, the field of microbiology is clearly in its infancy relative to other biological disciplines such as zoology, botany and entomology.</p>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">History</span></h2>
<p>Based on a <a href="http://www.perfecttermpapers.com">research paper</a>, bacteria were first observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1676 using a single-lens microscope of his own design. The name &quot;bacterium&quot; was introduced much later, by Ehrenberg in 1828, derived from the Greek word &beta;&alpha;&kappa;&tau;&eta;&rho;&iota;&omicron;&nu; meaning &quot;small stick&quot;. While Antony van Leeuwenhoek is often cited as the first microbiologist, the first recorded microbiological observation, that of the fruiting bodies of molds, was made earlier in 1665 by Robert Hooke.</p>
<p>The field of <strong>bacteriology</strong> (later a subdiscipline of microbiology) is generally considered to have been founded by Ferdinand Cohn (1828-1898), a botanist whose studies on algae and photosynthetic bacteria led him to describe several bacteria including <em>Bacillus</em> and <em>Beggiatoa</em>. Ferdinand Cohn was also the first to formulate a scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacteria.</p>
<p>Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) were contemporaries of Cohn&rsquo;s and are often considered to be the founders of <strong>medical microbiology</strong>. Pasteur is most famous for his <a href="http://www.realtorrentz.com/cat.php?id=2">series</a> of experiments designed to disprove the then widely held theory of spontaneous generation, thereby solidifying microbiology&rsquo;s identity as a biological science. Pasteur also designed methods for food preservation (pasteurization) and vaccines against several diseases such as anthrax, fowl cholera and rabies. Robert Koch is best known for his contributions to the germ theory of disease, proving that specific diseases were caused by specific pathogenic microorganisms. He developed a series of criteria that have become known as the Koch's postulates. Koch was one of the first scientists to focus on the isolation of bacteria in pure culture resulting in his description of several novel bacteria including <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em>, the causative agent of tuberculosis.</p>
<p>While Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch are often considered the founders of microbiology, their work did not accurately reflect the true diversity of the microbial world because of their exclusive focus on microorganisms having medical relevance. It was not until the work of Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931) and Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953), the founders of <strong>general microbiology</strong> (an older term encompassing aspects of microbial physiology, diversity and ecology), that the true breadth of microbiology was revealed. Martinus Beijerinck made two major contributions to microbiology: the discovery of viruses and the development of enrichment culture techniques. While his work on the Tobacco Mosaic Virus established the basic principles of virology, it was his development of enrichment culturing that had the most immediate impact on microbiology by allowing for the cultivation of a wide range of microbes with wildly different physiologies. Sergei Winogradsky was the first to develop the concept of chemolithotrophy and to thereby reveal the essential role played by microorganisms in geochemical processes. He was responsible for the first isolation and description of both nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.</p>
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<h2><span class="mw-headline">Types of microbiology</span></h2>
<p>The field of microbiology can be generally divided into several subdisciplines:</p>
    <li><strong>Microbial physiology</strong>: The study of how the microbial cell functions biochemically. Includes the study of microbial growth, microbial metabolism and microbial cell structure.</li>
    <li><strong>Microbial genetics</strong>: The study of how genes are organised and regulated in microbes in relation to their cellular functions. Closely related to the field of molecular biology.</li>
    <li><strong>Medical microbiology</strong>: The study of the role of microbes in human illness. Includes the study of microbial pathogenesis and epidemiology and is related to the study of disease pathology and immunology.</li>
    <li><strong>Veterinary microbiology</strong>: The study of the role in microbes in veterinary medicine or animal taxonomy.</li>
    <li><strong>Environmental microbiology</strong>: The study of the function and diversity of microbes in their natural environments. Includes the study of microbial ecology, microbially-mediated nutrient cycling, geomicrobiology, microbial diversity and bioremediation. Characterisation of key bacterial habitats such as the rhizosphere and phyllosphere.<a href="http://www.all-auto.ro/piese-auto" rel="dofollow" title="piese auto ieftine"><img hspace="2" border="0" vspace="2" src="http://www.all-auto.ro/images/piese auto" alt="piese auto ieftine" /></a></li>
    <li><strong>Evolutionary microbiology</strong>: The study of the evolution of microbes. Includes the study of bacterial systematics and taxonomy.</li>
    <li><strong>Industrial microbiology</strong>: The exploitation of microbes for use in industrial processes. Examples include industrial fermentation and wastewater treatment. Closely linked to the biotechnology industry. This field also includes brewing, an important <a href="http://www.btscene.com/cat/id/5/">application</a> of microbiology.</li>
    <li><strong>Aeromicrobiology</strong>: The study of airborne microorganisms.</li>
    <li><strong>Food Microbiology</strong>: The study of microorganisms causing food spoilage.</li>
    <li><strong>Pharmaceutical microbiology</strong>: the study of microorganisms causing pharmaceutical contamination and spoillage.</li>
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Fermenting tanks with yeast being used to brew beer</div>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">Benefits of microbiology</span></h2>
<p>While microbes are often viewed negatively due to their association with many human illnesses, microbes are also responsible for many beneficial processes such as industrial fermentation (e.g. the production of alcohol and dairy products), antibiotic production and as vehicles for cloning in higher organisms such as plants. Scientists have also exploited their knowledge of microbes to produce biotechnologically important enzymes such as Taq polymerase, reporter genes for use in other genetic systems and novel molecular biology techniques such as the yeast two-hybrid system.</p>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">References</span></h2>
<ol class="references">
    <li id="_note-0"><strong>^</strong> Are Viruses Alive? by George Rice, Montana State University [1]</li>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">Further resources</span></h2>
    <li><cite class="book" style="font-style: normal;">Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth &amp; K. Lee Lerner (eds) (2006). <em>Medicine, health, and bioethics&nbsp;: essential primary sources</em>, 1st ed., Thomson Gale. ISBN 1414406231.</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=book&amp;rft.btitle=Medicine%2C+health%2C+and+bioethics+%3A+essential+primary+sources&amp;rft.au=Lerner%2C+Brenda+Wilmoth+%26+K.+Lee+Lerner+%28eds%29&amp;rft.date=2006&amp;rft.edition=1st+ed.&amp;rft.pub=Thomson+Gale" class="Z3988">&nbsp;</span></li>
    <li><cite class="book" style="font-style: normal;">Madigan, Michael; Martinko, John (editors) (2006). <em>Brock Biology of Microorganisms</em>, 11th ed., Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-144329-1.</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=book&amp;rft.btitle=Brock+Biology+of+Microorganisms&amp;rft.au=Madigan%2C+Michael%3B+Martinko%2C+John+%28editors%29&amp;rft.date=2006&amp;rft.edition=11th+ed.&amp;rft.pub=Prentice+Hall" class="Z3988">&nbsp;</span></li>
    <li><cite class="book" style="font-style: normal;">Ryan KJ; Ray CG (editors) (2004). <em>Sherris Medical Microbiology</em>, 4th ed., McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-8385-8529-9.</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=book&amp;rft.btitle=Sherris+Medical+Microbiology&amp;rft.au=Ryan+KJ%3B+Ray+CG+%28editors%29&amp;rft.date=2004&amp;rft.edition=4th+ed.&amp;rft.pub=McGraw+Hill" class="Z3988">&nbsp;</span></li>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">See also</span></h2>
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            <div style="margin-right: 20px;">
                <li>Important publications in microbiology</li>
<h2><span class="mw-headline">External links</span></h2><a rel="dofollow" href="http://www.auto-my.ro/dezmembrari-auto" title="dezmembrari auto"><img src="http://www.all-auto.ro/img/a%20auto" alt="dezmembrari auto" vspace="2" border="0" hspace="2"></a>
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<div style="margin-left: 60px;">At <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiversity" title="Wikiversity"><font color="#0066cc">Wikiversity</font></a> you can learn more and teach others about <strong>Microbiology</strong> at:
<div style="margin-left: 10px;"><a href="http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Topic:Microbiology" title="v:Topic:Microbiology" class="extiw"><font color="#0066cc">The Department of Microbiology</font></a></div>
    <li><a rel="dofollow" href="http://www.auto-my.com/auto-sales" title="auto sales online"><img src="http://www.all-auto.ro/img/a%20auto" alt="auto sales online" vspace="2" border="0" hspace="2"></a><a href="http://www.microbiologytext.com/index.php?module=Book&amp;func=toc&amp;book_id=4" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.microbiologytext.com/index.php?module=Book&amp;func=toc&amp;book_id=4" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Online Microbiology textbook</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_Reviews_Microbiology" title="Nature Reviews Microbiology"><font color="#0066cc">Nature Reviews Microbiology</font></a> (<a href="http://www.nature.com/nrmicro/index.html" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.nature.com/nrmicro/index.html" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">journal home</font></a>)</li>
    <li><a href="http://www.textbookofbacteriology.net/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.textbookofbacteriology.net/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Bacteriology textbook</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.ebiologynews.com/c/microbiology/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.ebiologynews.com/c/microbiology/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Microbiology News</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.asm.org/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.asm.org/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">American Society for Microbiology</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Society for General Microbiology</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://fond-merieux.org/" rel="nofollow" title="http://fond-merieux.org/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Fondation M&eacute;rieux</font></a><a rel="dofollow" href="http://www.miere-bucovina.ro/propolis" title="tinctura de propolis"><img src="http://www.all-auto.ro/img/a%20auto" alt="tinctura de propolis" vspace="2" border="0" hspace="2"></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.raulcuerobiotech.com/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.raulcuerobiotech.com/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Microbiology and IGem</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://pathmicro.med.sc.edu/book/welcome.htm" rel="nofollow" title="http://pathmicro.med.sc.edu/book/welcome.htm" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Online Microbiology textbok</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://microbiologybytes.wordpress.com/" rel="nofollow" title="http://microbiologybytes.wordpress.com/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">MicrobiologyBytes</font></a> The latest news about microbiology in a form that everyone can understand</li>
    <li><a href="http://www.horizonpress.com/blogger/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.horizonpress.com/blogger/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Microbiology Blog</font></a> Microbiology news and views</li>
    <li><a href="http://www.horizonpress.com/gateway/micro.html" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.horizonpress.com/gateway/micro.html" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">Molecular Microbiology</font></a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.eolabs.com/" rel="nofollow" title="http://www.eolabs.com/" class="external text"><font color="#0066cc">E &amp; O Laboratories</font></a> Manufacturers of Microbiological Culture Media</li>
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[[Bacterial species]]</font></strong></span></font></p>
<font size="3">[[Introduction to microbiology]]<br />
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[[Bacterial species]]</font></p><a rel="dofollow" href="http://www.auto-tip.ro/vanzari-auto" title="vanzari auto"><img src="http://www.all-auto.ro/img/a%20auto" alt="vanzari auto" vspace="2" border="0" hspace="2"></a>
<p><font size="5"><span style="text-align: justify; line-height: 21px; font-family: '바탕'; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px;"><font size="4"><font size="3"><font face="Arial">[[Bioversity]]<br />
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[[Avian Flu-HOT ISSUE]]<br />
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Latest revision as of 15:50, 31 December 2010




Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms. This includes eukaryotes such as fungi and protists, and prokaryotes such as bacteria and certain algaes. Viruses, though not strictly classed as living organisms, are also studied[1]. Microbiology is a broad term which includes many branches like Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology & Others. A person who specializes in the area of Microbiology is called as “Microbiologist”

Although much is now known in the field of microbiology, advances are being made regularly. The most common estimates suggest that we have studied only about 1% of all of the microbes in any given environment. Thus, despite the fact that over three hundred years have passed since the discovery of microbes, the field of microbiology is clearly in its infancy relative to other biological disciplines such as zoology, botany and entomology.



Based on a research paper, bacteria were first observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1676 using a single-lens microscope of his own design. The name "bacterium" was introduced much later, by Ehrenberg in 1828, derived from the Greek word βακτηριον meaning "small stick". While Antony van Leeuwenhoek is often cited as the first microbiologist, the first recorded microbiological observation, that of the fruiting bodies of molds, was made earlier in 1665 by Robert Hooke.

The field of bacteriology (later a subdiscipline of microbiology) is generally considered to have been founded by Ferdinand Cohn (1828-1898), a botanist whose studies on algae and photosynthetic bacteria led him to describe several bacteria including Bacillus and Beggiatoa. Ferdinand Cohn was also the first to formulate a scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacteria.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) were contemporaries of Cohn’s and are often considered to be the founders of medical microbiology. Pasteur is most famous for his series of experiments designed to disprove the then widely held theory of spontaneous generation, thereby solidifying microbiology’s identity as a biological science. Pasteur also designed methods for food preservation (pasteurization) and vaccines against several diseases such as anthrax, fowl cholera and rabies. Robert Koch is best known for his contributions to the germ theory of disease, proving that specific diseases were caused by specific pathogenic microorganisms. He developed a series of criteria that have become known as the Koch's postulates. Koch was one of the first scientists to focus on the isolation of bacteria in pure culture resulting in his description of several novel bacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis.

While Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch are often considered the founders of microbiology, their work did not accurately reflect the true diversity of the microbial world because of their exclusive focus on microorganisms having medical relevance. It was not until the work of Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931) and Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953), the founders of general microbiology (an older term encompassing aspects of microbial physiology, diversity and ecology), that the true breadth of microbiology was revealed. Martinus Beijerinck made two major contributions to microbiology: the discovery of viruses and the development of enrichment culture techniques. While his work on the Tobacco Mosaic Virus established the basic principles of virology, it was his development of enrichment culturing that had the most immediate impact on microbiology by allowing for the cultivation of a wide range of microbes with wildly different physiologies. Sergei Winogradsky was the first to develop the concept of chemolithotrophy and to thereby reveal the essential role played by microorganisms in geochemical processes. He was responsible for the first isolation and description of both nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

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Types of microbiology

The field of microbiology can be generally divided into several subdisciplines:

  • Microbial physiology: The study of how the microbial cell functions biochemically. Includes the study of microbial growth, microbial metabolism and microbial cell structure.
  • Microbial genetics: The study of how genes are organised and regulated in microbes in relation to their cellular functions. Closely related to the field of molecular biology.
  • Medical microbiology: The study of the role of microbes in human illness. Includes the study of microbial pathogenesis and epidemiology and is related to the study of disease pathology and immunology.
  • Veterinary microbiology: The study of the role in microbes in veterinary medicine or animal taxonomy.
  • Environmental microbiology: The study of the function and diversity of microbes in their natural environments. Includes the study of microbial ecology, microbially-mediated nutrient cycling, geomicrobiology, microbial diversity and bioremediation. Characterisation of key bacterial habitats such as the rhizosphere and phyllosphere.piese auto ieftine
  • Evolutionary microbiology: The study of the evolution of microbes. Includes the study of bacterial systematics and taxonomy.
  • Industrial microbiology: The exploitation of microbes for use in industrial processes. Examples include industrial fermentation and wastewater treatment. Closely linked to the biotechnology industry. This field also includes brewing, an important application of microbiology.
  • Aeromicrobiology: The study of airborne microorganisms.
  • Food Microbiology: The study of microorganisms causing food spoilage.
  • Pharmaceutical microbiology: the study of microorganisms causing pharmaceutical contamination and spoillage.
Fermenting tanks with yeast being used to brew beer
Fermenting tanks with yeast being used to brew beer


Benefits of microbiology

While microbes are often viewed negatively due to their association with many human illnesses, microbes are also responsible for many beneficial processes such as industrial fermentation (e.g. the production of alcohol and dairy products), antibiotic production and as vehicles for cloning in higher organisms such as plants. Scientists have also exploited their knowledge of microbes to produce biotechnologically important enzymes such as Taq polymerase, reporter genes for use in other genetic systems and novel molecular biology techniques such as the yeast two-hybrid system.



  1. ^ Are Viruses Alive? by George Rice, Montana State University [1]


Further resources

  • Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth & K. Lee Lerner (eds) (2006). Medicine, health, and bioethics : essential primary sources, 1st ed., Thomson Gale. ISBN 1414406231. 
  • Madigan, Michael; Martinko, John (editors) (2006). Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 11th ed., Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-144329-1. 
  • Ryan KJ; Ray CG (editors) (2004). Sherris Medical Microbiology, 4th ed., McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-8385-8529-9. 


See also

  • Biochemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Genetics
  • Geomicrobiology
  • Immunology
  • Medicine
  • Mycology
  • Virology
  • Archaea
  • Eukaryote
  • Prokaryote
  • Important publications in microbiology


External links

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At Wikiversity you can learn more and teach others about Microbiology at:

Introduction to microbiology

Bacterial species

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