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<p><font color="#000000">In medicine, <strong>ischemia</strong> (Greek <strong>&iota;&sigma;&chi;&alpha;&iota;&mu;ί&alpha;</strong>, <em>isch-</em> restriction, <em>hema</em> or <em>haema</em> blood) is a restriction in blood supply, generally due to factors in the blood vessels, with resultant damage or dysfunction of tissue. It may also be spelled <strong>ischaemia</strong> or <strong>isch&aelig;mia</strong>. It also means <strong>local anemia</strong> in a given part of a body sometimes resulting from vasoconstriction, thrombosis or embolism.</font></p>
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<h2><span id="Mechanism" class="mw-headline"><font color="#000000">Mechanism</font></span></h2>
<p><font color="#000000">Rather than hypoxia (a more general term denoting a shortage of oxygen, usually a result of lack of oxygen in the air being breathed), ischemia is an absolute or relative shortage of the blood supply to an organ, i.e. a shortage of oxygen, glucose and other blood-borne fuels. A relative shortage means the mismatch of blood supply (oxygen/fuel delivery) and blood request for adequate metabolism of tissue. Ischemia results in tissue damage because of a lack of oxygen and nutrients [1]. Ultimately, this can cause severe damage because of the potential for a build-up of metabolic wastes.</font></p>
<div class="references-small">
<ol class="references">
<li id="cite_note-0"><strong><a href="#cite_ref-0"><font color="#002bb8">^</font></a></strong> Johansen, D., Ytrehus, K. &amp; Baxter, G. <a class="external text" rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow"><font color="#3366bb">Exogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) protects against regional myocardial ischemia&ndash;reperfusion injury.</font></a> Basic Research in Cardiology 101, 53-60(2006). </li>
<li id="cite_note-WHO-1"><strong><a href="#cite_ref-WHO_1-0"><font color="#002bb8">^</font></a></strong> <span class="citation book">World Health Organization Department of Health Statistics and Informatics in the Information, Evidence and Research Cluster (2004). <em>The global burden of disease 2004 update</em>. Geneva: WHO. <a title="International Standard Book Number" href="/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number"><font color="#002bb8">ISBN</font></a> <a title="Special:BookSources/9241563710" href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/9241563710"><font color="#002bb8">9241563710</font></a>.</span><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=book&amp;rft.btitle=The+global+burden+of+disease+2004+update&amp;rft.aulast=World+Health+Organization+Department+of+Health+Statistics+and+Informatics+in+the+Information%2C+Evidence+and+Research+Cluster&amp;;;;;rft.isbn=9241563710&amp;rfr_id=info:sid/"><span style="DISPLAY: none">&nbsp;</span></span> </li>

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