

Stem cell

626 bytes added, 19:23, 5 January 2007
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<p dir="ltr"><font size="2">Stem cell (줄기세포)는 세포분화 초기의 것으로 다양한 다른 세포로 분화할 능력이 있는 것을 말한다.<br />성체와 배아줄기세포로 크게 나줄수 있고, 현재(2006년) 많은 연구가 세계적으로 확대 되고 있다.<br /></font></p>
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<li><font size="2"><a href=""></a><br /> </font></li>
<p><font size="2">&nbsp;<strong><span class="Title"><strong>Definition</strong></span></strong> </font></p>
<p><strong>World Stem Cell Map linked to by:</strong> </p>
<p><a href="">Wikipedia - Stem cell controversy</a><br /> <a href="">American Association for the Advancement of Science - AAAS</a><br /> <a href=""><em>Nature</em></a><br /> <a href=";more=1&amp;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1"><em>Scientific American</em> editors' blog</a><br /> <a href="">International Society for Stem Cell Research - ISSCR</a><br /> <a href="">Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology - FASEB</a><br /> <a href="">Harvard University Stem Cell Institute</a><br /> <a href="">Harvard College Stem Cell Society</a><br /> <a href="">Stem Cell Policy</a> Aaron Levine, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University<br /> <a href="">The Globalism Institute - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology</a>, <font color="#ff0000">Australia</font><br /> <a href="">Com Ci&ecirc;ncia</a> <font color="#ff0000">Brazil</font><br /> <a href="">International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences [PDF]</a> <font color="#ff0000">Canada</font><br /> <a href=";catid=20&amp;Itemid=32"></a> <font color="#ff0000">China</font><br /> <a href=";type=News"></a> <font color="#ff0000">European Union</font><br /> <a href="">Bioethik Discurs</a> Berlin, <font color="#ff0000">Germany</font><br /> <a href="">Robert Koch Institut</a> <font color="#ff0000">Germany</font><br /> <a href=""></a> STERN BioRegion, <font color="#ff0000">Germany</font><br /> <a href="">National Health Foundation - Bioethics</a> <font color="#ff0000">Thailand</font><br /> <a href="">Research!America</a> Stem cell research resources <br /> <a href="">Genetics Policy Institute</a> <br /> <a href="">Northwest Association for Biomedical Research</a> NWABR Stem Cell Teacher Workshop and Educator: Selected Online Resources for Stem Cells <br /> <a href="">Health Politics with Dr. Mike Magee</a><br /> <a href="">Science Friday</a> National Public Radio<br /> <a href="">Results for America campaign</a><br /> <a href=";b=669205">Center for American Progress</a><br /> <a href="">Grassroots Connection</a> Online Neurological Advocacy<br /> <a href=";f=2804043341&amp;m=362109505">CareCure Community</a> W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University<br /> <a href="">California Stem Cell Report</a> <br /> <a href="">Great North Alliance</a> Twin Cities Technology Resources<br /> <a href="">Kirsch Foundation</a><br /> <a href="">Massachusetts General Hospital</a><br /> <a href="">Indiana Center for Bioethics</a><br /> <a href=";pathid=1086">Michigan eLibrary</a><br /> <a href="">Canadian Prescription Drugstore</a><br /> <a href="">High School Bioethics Project</a> University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics<br /> <a href="">Stem Cell Research Foundation</a><br /> <a href="">UK Stem Cell Foundation</a><br /> <a href="">Cosmic Log by Alan Boyle</a> MSNBC, Jan. 4, 2006<br /> <a href=",_Governmental_Issues">The Future of Biotechnology for Medical Applications in 2005, Governmental Issues</a><br /> <a href=",_decreasing_in_others">Legal Restrictions for Biotech increasing in certain countries, decreasing in others</a><br /> </p>
<p><font size="2">[ Stem Cell Genomics ] </font></p>
<li><font size="2">The goal of the Stem Cell Genomics Project (SCGP) is the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the formation, self-renewal, and differentiation of stem cells. Affymetrix GeneChip technology, SAGE, and LC MS/MS proteome analysis are being employed to analyze over 1000 preparations of human and mouse embryonic and adult stem cells. A bioinformatics team is facilitating integration and dissemination of this data. </font><a href=""><font color="#436976" size="2">StemBase</font></a><font size="2"> is the major deliverable for this project, which provides a compilation of all of the stem cell expression data obtained during the project.<br /> </font></li>
<li><font color="#993300" size="2"><strong>기타</strong></font>
<li><strong><font color="#993300" size="2">[ 제약/바이오 차세대 성장산업]</font></strong> <font size="2"><br /></font></li>
<li><font color="#993300"><strong>stem cell new~!</strong></font> [<font size="2"><br />

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